School Exams
Exams are a form of assessment of students, I believe it has existed for a long time. The examination may be different in terms of how the examination is conducted or the form of the assessment. I was assessed through a written test for each lesson learned for a certain period of time. The basis of the examination is to determine the level of thinking of a person who is a student. Is a wise man or vice versa. The education system that I went through has 2 levels, namely Lower Secondary which refers to Form 1 to 3 students and Upper Secondary which refers to Form 4 to 5 or 6. Each level has a specific assessment which is the examination in Form 3 and Form 5 & 6. Examination in Form 5 and 6 are the most important examinations for school level students. This is because the examination in form 5 or 6 will be a ticket for students to further their studies to higher education such as University or higher opportunities in the employment. I am a less excellent st...