
Showing posts from April, 2021

Fasa Terakhir Ramadhan

  Rasanya  baru kelmarin aku dan ibu mula berpuasa. Masa yang berputar laju, sehingga tidak sedar bahawa kini Ramadhan memasuki hari yang ke-20, itu bermakna tinggal 10 hari lagi sebelum Ramadhan berlalu pergi dan Syawal berganti. Aku pasti orang-ramai kini sedang sibuk menyiapkan keperluan untuk menyambut ketibaan Syawal walaupun tidak dapat pulang ke kampung halaman disebabkan Pandemik. Bercakap soal Ramadhan, dari usia kanak-kanak sehingga sekarang. Kebiasaan Ramadhan di bahagikan kepada 3 fasa iaitu fasa pertama, fasa kedua dan fasa terakhir. Setiap satu fasa mewakili 10 hari Ramadhan, setiap fasa mempunyai KPI yang berbeza dan bagaimana KPI Umat Islam ketika ini?. Mungkin ada yang cemerlang, mungkin ada yang sebaliknya. Manakala pencapaian KPI aku secara peribadi, boleh di simpulkan sebagai GAGAL. Segala aku rancang sebelum ketibaan Ramadhan, gagal untuk dilaksanakan mengikut waktu yang ditetapkan. Walaubagaimanapun, aku berharap masa yang berbaki, masih ada peluang untuk...

It's a matter of life

  Life is a test. As long as we breathe there are definitely tests we are sure to face. The only difference is the ending, whether we succeed or fail in passing the test. The Prophets and Messengers also went through a test that is even heavier than what we have faced so far. I do not know how to tell the story of a life journey of a person I know and who is currently facing a very difficult test. Believe it or not, not all human beings successfully face this living test even as a Muslim. We know that Allah SWT gives a test in our ability and not the other way around. Have we thought and judged, during this short life. What kind of severe test have we ever gone through ?. How is the condition of those around us ?. What is the effect on our family members ?. Question after question for which only we know the answer. We must have heard the phrase "Today is your day, tomorrow may be my day" ?. An expression that often comes out of the lips when seeing someone face a test. It is ...

Family members' memories

 Each of us, must have many memories that will remain in the memory forever even if it is a sad memory. We were a normal human being and through life, day by day. There must be a memory with the people around us, including those we love very much. Aidilfitri this time. definitely gave a different meaning to my aunt. Her husband’s sudden death, must have left a deep impression on her and us all. I until now still feel as if my aunt’s husband is still alive and the sound of his car is still caught by these ears. Many memories indirectly exist between us as a family. My uncle's deceased was able to help me and my mother when my mother needed to go to the Kota Bharu hospital for treatment. The fact is it’s not just my aunt’s husband remembered by us who are still alive. Before that, my mother's sister who died at the end of 2019, we feel lost until now. Often memories of when the deceased was still alive come to mind. The sad feeling must be present but we as a family must accept t...

Kelantan PKP Kembali?.

 Kelantan kembali dikenakan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) bermula 16 April sehingga 29 April 2021.  Tempoh selama 14 hari ditetapkan bagi memastikan penularan pandemik yang kembali aktif dapat dikurangkan kembali. Semestinya semua orang tertanya-tanya. Apakah punca utama menyebabkan Kelantan di kenakan kembali PKP bagi tempoh 2 minggu?. Walaupun hanya 7 daerah dikenakan PKP, tidak mustahil daerah yang terbabit dikenakan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Diperketatkan (PKPD). Pada aku, ini adalah salah satu bukti bahawa manusia itu makhluk yang mudah lupa. Pihak kerajaan, tidak pernah jemu menasihati agar rakyat Malaysia mematuhi SOP dan aktiviti rentas negeri tidak dibenarkan. Ia masih terjadi dan akhirnya kita semua harus menanggung kesannya. Aku pernah menulis kisah tentang segelintir penduduk kawasan tempat aku tinggal yang sehari demi sehari semakin tidak mematuhi SOP iaitu tidak memakai facemask ketika berada di kawasan tumpuan orang-ramai. Manakala bagi aktiviti rentas neg...

Ramadhan Hari Ke-2

  Alhamdulillah, memasuki hari ke-2 berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan. Kali ini, hanya aku dan ibu sahaja berbuka bersama setelah abang kembali tinggal di Kuala Lumpur setelah dinaikkan pangkat akhir tahun lepas . Ramadhan kali keadaan hampir sama iaitu tiada Bazar Ramadhan di saat akhir sebelum Ramadhan bermula disebabkan penularan pandemik kembali tinggi di Kelantan. Sejujurnya ia mengecewakan ramai pihak, namun demi kepentingan bersama maka keputusan kerajaan negeri harus diterima dengan seikhlasnya. Berbuka di hari pertama Ramadhan, hanya 2 jenis lauk sahaja dihidangkan. Walaupun ringkas tapi cukup untuk aku dan ibu kerana sememangnya hanya abang paling berselera apabila berbuka puasa. Kos berbuka untuk hari pertama hanya RM30 sahaja. Kebiasaan jika Ramadhan yang lalu, RM50 belum tentu cukup hanya untuk membeli juadah berbuka, bukan untuk bersahur kerana kebiasaan, abang aku akan makan sekali lagi setelah solat sunat terawih. Di Kelantan, perkara yang biasa dilakukan pada waktu malam ...

Behavior of buyers

 I just wanted to share a short story about cars. Mom once bought a car belonging to her youngest brother around 2009/10. The purpose of buying the car for the use of the mother to health appointments. Each month, the capital budget allocated about RM500 for installment payments of the car. Then in 2012, I worked in Putrajaya and to avoid the car being stranded at home because no one was driving it. I asked mom to sell the car. The money from the sale could be used by my mother and myself. The price is set at around RM 7 thousand ringgit and half of that value I use to buy a motorcycle for my use during my stay in Putrajaya. In a short time, the car already has a buyer. Honestly I remember everything is over when the new buyer promises to complete all the related matters including the owner name change process. After 10 years, a very long time. Only then did I find out that the car was still not in the process of changing its ownership name. A period of 10 years is not a short peri...

People and public telephones

Public telephones were one of the main devices in society once upon a time. The main function of the public telephone was as a communication tool before there were mobile phones or smartphones like now. For couples in long distance love, on a public phone. They are in touch with each other. If something untoward happens, people will try to ask for help using public telephones. At that time, have a hand phone or install a dedicated line phone at home is one thing which is costly and not all that capable. To me, the public telephone is one of the tools that help build human civilization, especially for Malaysians from then until now. Just when thinking about the fate of public telephones now, it is very sad because it is very difficult to use public telephones that are still in good condition and functional. IN the Ketereh Parliamentary constituency alone, in my opinion almost 99% of the public telephones provided by the government are just stumps. To be honest the culture of vandalism...

Get older

I often forget that the age of my life on this earth has entered 38 years. With each passing day, I get older. How will I be if I live a long life and reach the age of 60 - 70 years later ?. The question that many may forget to ask yourself. All around, I observed the behavior of the elderly who have a variety of attitudes, although old but often set a bad example to the young. Why is that ?, shouldn't senior citizens set a good example to young people ?. As for me, it is the choice yourself, knowing that death can happen at any time. I am reminded of my grandfather's spirit when he was still alive, spending time doing a lot of acts of worship. Every time the prayer time comes, the grandfather will immediately go to the Surau to pray. The distance between my grandfather's house and the surau is only 200 meters, my grandfather only walks to the surau. In the evening after Asr prayers, the grandfather used to just sit on the steps of his house while his eyes looked at the pas...


I understand that the world of children is a curious world. The responsibility of parents to provide answers for every question that children ask every time. If parents do not take this matter seriously, then it will make the child look for answers in the wrong way. That delinquency is a natural trait of a child. If the child becomes passive, it is a situation that every parent should be concerned about. But every delinquency must have its limits, not be left alone. I often see the way parents care around me. If a child is so naughty as to cause misfortune. The child is only angered by words not punished by deeds. I don't have a child of my own, but I'm still a child. From childhood to adulthood, a life journey that is not short. Parents should be wise to manage children who are too naughty. This is because it can cause fights among parents, especially for those who live next door. Who is to blame if a child dares to damage the crops in someone else’s garden ?. It must be the f...

Kisah Pejabat Pos

  Setelah sekian lama, aku tidak buat permohonan kerja secara konvensional. Kali ini, disebabkan abang yang suruh aku memohon.  Maka segala proses dari print dan pos dilakukan dalam masa 2 hari. Tarikh tutup permohonan pula pada minggu hadapan iaitu hari ke-3 puasa. Nasib baik segala dokumen yang perlu disahkan hanya perlu jumpa suami sepupu ma sahaja yang tinggal berdekatan rumah.  Aku pada awalnya memikirkan siapa yang boleh aku minta pengesahan. Perlukah aku menebalkan muka ke JBS Kelantan?, nasib baik untuk kali ini tidak perlu. Betapa lama aku tidak sebarang urusan di pejabat pos, sampai aku tidak tahu bahawa kos untuk penghantaran domestik meningkat berbanding sebelumnya. Pejabat pos Pekan Ketereh boleh dikatakan agak besar berbanding pejabat pos lain yang berdekatan seperti di Perol. Ada waktunya ia sangat sibuk sehingga pelanggan terpaksa menunggu di luar premis. Kaunter yang beroperasi hanya dua sahaja, amat jarang untuk aku melihat ketiga-tiga kaunter pejabat po...

Tanah Pusaka

  Sesungguhnya ramai mengetahui bahawa apabila matinya seseorang itu. Maka terputus hubungannya dengan segala urusan dunia, hanya keturunan atau waris yang masih hidup bakal menguruskan segala yang ditinggalkan oleh si mati termasuk hutang. Segala harta milik si mati ketika masih hidup dan ditinggalkan kepada waris-warisnya akan di panggil harta pusaka . Perkara yang perlu diperhalusi oleh setiap umat Islam apabila menyentuh soal harta pusaka kerana ia mampu menyebabkan hubungan antara waris terjejas kerana berebutkan harta pusaka yang ditinggalkan. Jika di mati seorang Jutawan atau orang berada, pasti tiada masalah untuk mengagihkan harta pusaka mengikut hukum faraiq . Bagaimana jika si mati itu si miskin yang tidak meninggalkan banyak harta?, hanya sebuah rumah pusaka yang uzur dan tunggu masa menyembah bumi. Aku tidak tahu tentang orang lain. Berdasarkan pengalaman aku, harta pusaka yang mampu mengundang situasi putus saudara adalah tanah pusaka . Aku bukan jenis suka berebut...

Pandemik belum berakhir

  Menurut laporan harian Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia berkaitan dengan jumlah rakyat Malaysia yang dijangkiti COVID-19. Menampakkan pola penurunan setiap hari, in sha Allah mungkin penularan pandemik tersebut semakin hampir ke penghujungnya. Walaubagaimanapun, bagi kawasan Parlimen Ketereh yang melibatkan kawasan Kok Lanas, Kadok dan Melor.Masih menunjukkan berlaku penularan walaupun bilangan mereka yang dijangkiti semakin menurun. Pada aku, walaupun pihak kerajaan sedang berusaha menghentikan penularan melalui suntikan vaksin. Pandemik ini masih belum berakhir sepenuhnya kerana segalanya berpunca dari sikap kita sendiri. Langkah-langkah pencegahan telah dirangka, hanya perlu mematuhi sahaja namun masih wujud mereka yang ingkar untuk mematuhinya. Dua kluster wujud dalam Parlimen yang sama iaitu Kluster Paloh Rambai dan Patek . Lokaliti kedua-dua kluster ini adalah sama. Sekiranya SOP benar-benar dipatuhi, aku amat percaya tidak akan wujud kluster paloh rambai yang didakwa berpun...