
Showing posts from March, 2021

Endnotes March

 Indeed, among the signs that the Day of Judgment is approaching is that people feel that time is moving faster. Today is the last day of the month of March 2021, many incident have taken place this month, including the mother was unconscious due to fever heat. Today, my old motorcycle tires are flat. When taken to the store to change the tube, the appearance of the tire was damaged causing the motorcycle tube to leak. The total cost of changing tires and tubes is RM50. A fairly large value for an unemployed person is me. Such is life, we can only plan but Allah SWT determines what is best for us. Fate decides that I have to spend RM50 just to change the tires and tubes of the motorcycle while the main use of the money has not been made. That is capital to start a business or venture that is able to generate income. What will happen in April ?. May you live a long life and have the opportunity to celebrate Ramadan. What is definitely different this time around is for my aunt w...

Kuasa & Neraka

Di antara godaan dunia yang semua manusia inginkan ialah KUASA. Memilikinya mampu mengubahkan keadaan atau sikap orangnya. Segala hajat yang diingini di atas muka bumi ini tanpa mengira adakah ia sesuatu yang halal atau haram pasti diperolehi. Percaya atau tidak, kuasa mampu membuatkan perkara yang haram mengikut agama Islam menjadi halal. Maka, tidak pelik jika aku katakan bahawa  kuasa itu mampu membawa sesiapa sahaja yang memilikinya ke Syurga atau Neraka. Mungkin itu sifat manusia, sebelum berkuasa bicaranya lain, selepas berkuasa bicaranya lain. Perubahan pula sangat jelas sehingga sesiapa sahaja mampu melihatnya. Sebijak mana seseorang itu, sealim mana seseorang itu. Kuasa mampu mengubahnya secara perlahan-lahan sehinggakan akhirnya hanya tersedar ketika Malaikat Maut sedang mencabut nyawa. Adakah Waktu itu, masih sempat bertaubat?. Jika kita membaca sirah Rasulullah SAW serta para sahabat. Adakah mereka hidup bermewah seperti Khalifah yang hidup ketika ini?. Berkereta mewah?...

Politics and people

  When it comes to politics, the storyline is almost the same for every country. There is a government component and an opposition component. Differences may be in the number of parties contesting in a general election. There are countries that have only two parties and there are countries that have almost 10 parties contesting. On the other hand, not all citizens of a country are directly involved with a political party as members of that party. Many like to be mere observers while evaluating which party is fulfilling the promises given before the last General Election. Therefore, for those who are given the opportunity to hold power as the ruler of the country through politics, do not be arrogant and conceited with what they have. The political situation in this country, in my opinion is still volatile. Too many political polemics so that the people are the indirect victims. The situation became more critical when the world was hit by a pandemic that forced the newly appointed go...

Ibu jatuh sakit

  Sekali lagi, ibu jatuh sakit disebabkan kuman di bahagian kaki kirinya. Dua hari sebelum sakit, ibu mengadu bahawa tubuhnya rasa kurang enak. Setiap kali mendengar keluhan itu, aku pasti rasa bimbang kerana sudah beberapa kali ibu jatuh sakit kerana punca yang sama. Pagi kelmarin, semasa solat Subuh, keadaan mula berubah. Ibu mula tidak sedarkan. Oleh kerana bukan kali pertama ibu dalam keadaan tidak sedarkan diri, aku sudah boleh membaca tanda-tandanya. Aku cuba membawa ibu ke kerusi rehat di ruang tamu tetapi sukar sehinggakan ibu rebah dan aku terpaksa pangku kerana ibu tidak dapat bernafas dengan lancar. Aku segera hubungi ibu saudara untuk meminta pertolongan. Demam ibu sedikit kebah setelah lap dengan kain basah oleh mak cik, dari hanya aku seorang diri, semakin ramai yang hadir membantu. Keadaan ibu semakin baik. Dengan bantuan sepupu terdekat, aku bawa ibu ke Klinik yang berdekatan untuk mendapatkan rawatan. Apabila pulang ke rumah, berehat seketika barulah ibu dalam kead...

Kluster baru di Ketereh

  Sejujurnya aku terkejut dengan laporan terkini status kesihatan COVID-19 di Kelantan dengan kewujudan satu kluster baru iaitu Kluster Paloh Rambai . Setiap hari, ada sahaja kes baru dicatatkan oleh Kluster tersebut. Kluster Paloh Rambai berada di kawasan  Parlimen Ketereh , semestinya ia menimbul kegusaran pada semua penduduk kerana radius jangkitan difahamkan telah merebak sehingga ke daerah Bachok. Dikatakan Kluster ini terjadi disebabkan indeks Kluster telah mengadakan kenduri kahwin pada awal bulan ini. Bahkan sebuah sekolah terpaksa ditutup kerana dikatakan beberapa orang gurunya turut terkena jangkitan. Namun tidak dapat dipastikan jumlah kontak rapat yang terlibat di sekolah berkenaan. Pada pendapat aku, situasi ini sangat mendukacitakan kerana para pelajar dan ibubapa menjadi mangsa keadaan tidak diduga sama sekali. Hakikatnya kita masih belum berjaya memutuskan rantaian penularan pandemik ini. Pada waktu yang sama, aku melihat keadaan warga setempat yang amat jela...


  If come across someone who has known me since school days and haven't met for a long time. Surely one of the questions asked is how am I doing right now ?. A simple question, but a very deep because I do not have a real answer to the question. I understand that at the age of almost 40 years. I should have achieved something in this life, a graduate of the University of Malaya in Media Studies. Still unemployed because of caring for a sick mother, at the same time I also had health problems. Various senses of things in the mind and soul all the time. only I always persuade my heart that Allah SWT knows what is best for me. When  follow the progress of school or university friends. Almost all of them have been successful in  their careers and happy families. Honestly it makes me ashamed of myself for not being able to show something like what my school or university friends have shared so far on social media. I have to be sincere that our destinies are different. It's not...

When I'm known

  Strange when so long I have left high school there is still someone who knows me. But if you count the period, 20 years have passed.  Plus I’m not a popular student at school. Therefore, I should not be known by many students. Strange isn't it ?. Suddenly someone still recognized me. Today I tried to buy breakfast at a new store that is located a bit far from my house. It is because my aunt was so eager I suggest to try to buy breakfast at the store.  There is no denying that the shop owner is a person who is famous for his nasi dagang . Since I was small, often bought when the night market. The location of the shop is in the village area, still not so many people were buying when I arrived. I bought 4 packets of nasi berlauk .  When the seller was preparing the order, suddenly. "Did you ever go to school in Ketereh?" One question I didn’t anticipate at all, when I looked at the seller who was selling, I didn’t recognize it I began to feel uncomfortable because the...

Rentas Ramadhan

  Seandainya panjang umur, in sha Allah beberapa minggu lagi Umat Islam seluruh dunia akan menyambut bulan Ramadhan. Bulan yang sentiasa dinanti sepanjang tahun. Semestinya di antara keistimewaan Ramadhan ialah Umat Islam diharuskan berpuasa di siang hari dan di sunatkan solat Terawih di malam hari. Bagi rakyat Kelantan yang tinggal diperantaun, menjadi kebiasaan akan pulang ke Kelantan untuk meraikan 1 Ramadhan bersama ahli keluarga. Namun kini adakah kebiasaan itu masih boleh dilakukan?. Pandemik yang melanda menyebabkan pergerakan rakyat Malaysia secara keseluruhan adalah terbatas. Malah tahun lepas, kita menyaksikan tiada bazar ramadhan dan solat terawih di surau dan masjid sepanjang Ramadhan. Tahun ini, in sha Allah, sekiranya pandemik yang memasuki tahun ke-2 ini mampu dikawal, kerajaan mungkin membenarkan pulang beraya. Ketika ini pihak kerajaan telah memberi membenarkan terhadap aktiviti seperti solat sunat terawih dan bazar Ramadhan beroperasi seperti biasa. Namun ada ia m...

How are you teacher?

  Currently, the school session for Secondary School students has not yet started. When it starts later, the traffic congestion in the morning will definitely double than usual. Not only the students need to be prepared but the parents as well. In schools, teachers are not only responsible for teaching. Many side tasks are taken on by teachers, including responsibilities regarding student discipline. I went to a regular Day School, so there are a variety of student temperaments regardless of gender. There are some discipline teachers who are legends among the students of my school. Among them are sir Dol, sir Lan or sir Din. Why are they called legends ?, just look at them. Surely naughty students will run away especially for those who skip class or school. At the time I was in high school. Around 1996 to 2002. It can be said that 20% -30% of students are morally troubled students. There is a culture of thugs, a culture of dress that is not the same as school rules and even some ar...


Every human being on this earth is very concerned about cleanliness. Among the countries that I admire about the cleanliness of its citizens are Japan and Korea. They are seen educating children about hygiene from an early age. Very different from the way it educates people in the country generally. Toilets are a place that can be used as a KPI to determine the level of cleanliness of a community. Most interesting is the cleanliness of the toilets in the school. Throughout my studies at the school, the cleanliness of the student toilets at the school in my opinion was at a very deplorable level. Especially in ordinary schools. Enter a student or teacher toilet, for sure we see the difference. Why is it like that ?, school toilets for students should be cleaner and prettier because those who use them are intelligent and knowledgeable. In fact, from the time I went to school until now. It remains the same i.e. dirty and disgusting. In fact there are students willing to damage the water p...


  Just drank a glass of orange juice last night. Today, my health is at an unsatisfactory level due to severe diarrhea. Starting at 2 a.m. until now, I still have diarrhea.  As a result, appetite is lost and causes bloating. I ended up throwing up wind and water only, and it is very painful, because an empty stomach produce a lot of wind in the stomach. I have gastric disease, which makes me even more tired. I only survived with plain water and biscuits. Then I ordered food through delivery apps but the lost appetite caused me to not be able to eat it.  Today, I spent much time with sleeping. Since I did not sleep last night because of serious diarrhea in the beginning. Medicines to treat diarrhea run out. I couldn't afford to go out and buy it until the evening, when my condition was getting better. The appetite came back there just not on the rice because it made me nauseous. I am a person who is very susceptible to diarrhea. I'm not sure if it has to do with kidney fun...

Warung Beroperasi

Warung yang arwah pak cik berniaga pada asalnya merupakan milik ibu ku yang dibina oleh arwah atuk setelah ibu bersara. Di bina di atas tanah milik adik kepada nenek. Namun perniagaan yang dijalankan oleh ibu tidak kekal lama walaupun banyak modal dihabiskan kerana kurang sambutan dari penduduk setempat. Kemudian apabila keluarga adik nenek kembali ke kampung setelah berhenti kerja estet di Kuala Krai. Warung ibu diserahkan kepada suami kepada mak ciknya untuk berniaga. Ketika itu, atuk saudara ku ini menjual roti canai berkuah ikan sardin. Ibu mendapat sedikit bayara sejumlah wang sebagai ganti rugi membina warung tersebut. Kemudian, bila atuk saudara pula meninggal dunia, warung tersebut di serahkan kepada arwah suami ibu saudara aku untuk berniaga. Buka selepas waktu solat asar dan tutup menjelang magrib. Walaupun hanya sekejap, setiap petang menjadi tumpuan warga emas yang mempunyai pelbagai perangai yang datang untuk duduk bersembang sambil minum secara teh. Boleh dikatakan setiap...

Intern MAHB Part 2

  When I underwent on job training at Malaysia Airports Holding Berhad (MAHB). I rented an apartment in Subang Bestari with 3 other GREEN program participants. 10 months together, various stories were recorded during that period. For placement at MAHB, 4 GREEN program participants were placed there. 3 men and a woman, every day we will wait for the bus in Pekan Kecil Subang Bestari. Route Kampung Melayu Subang to Kuala Lumpur. As for the MAS GLC, 2-3 participants of the GREEN program are placed there. One at the Subang headquarters while one at KLIA. Quite a lot of real memories in Subang Bestari even if only for a period of 10 months. I had the opportunity to meet a senior while at the University of Malaya. She taught at a nearby school, a very beautiful person only I forgot her name because after 2007. We lost contact as friends. Imagine during the month of Ramadan in that year, it can be said that every day I break my fast with her so that it makes me feel something. Understand ...

Kelantan & Politics

 Kelantan is one of the states that has been governed by the PAS Party since the 1990s. Perhaps because of that, the issues that are definitely being debated by the majority of its citizens are politically related. If we look at the history of general elections in Malaysia, in the last few GEs, there was a situation where the PAS state government almost lost in Kelantan. However, until now, the Kelantan state government continues to be governed by the PAS party. Most of the people of Kelantan have to leave the state of Kelantan to find career opportunities due to the limited opportunities in Kelantan itself. The purpose of this writing is not to look at the pattern of administration in the state of Kelantan. Just wanted to express my views about the attitude of some people who always talk about politics without seeing the atmosphere or place. This morning, I bought breakfast and packaged rice for lunch. Then a customer came, ordered breakfast to be eaten at the stall. As soon as th...

Life after death

It's been a week since my aunt's husband died in his sleep. There were no complications of health status that may have been the cause of death. even the night before his death, my aunt's husband managed to send my cousin's husband to the clinic for emergency treatment for respiratory problems. Although the average family member is still in a state of shock at the death. We all had to be content with what happened, no one knew that uncle was going to leave us all. Such is the reality of a human journey, whether we are ready or not. When it is time for a death, then we must accept it. Upon completion of all the necessary processes for the burial of the body of a Muslim. Then we will be left alone in a narrow grave. Only good deeds or the reward of worship while we are alive will be our companions later. If we take care of the perfection of worship while we are still alive, then life in the grave will be good.. The reality of life, no matter how great we are in the world o...

Debt Outstanding

  I am very convinced that more than 50% of human beings on this earth have outstanding debts or continue to commit debts because of satisfying the demands of lust. Finally, when you die, not property that is inherited but the debt still outstanding. The sad situation is that the family members of the deceased did not know that the deceased had a large debt and did not pay it. Everything is only revealed after death, Islam is very concerned about debt. The soul of a Muslim will not be calm if he has debts that have not been paid during his life. It is the responsibility of family members to try to settle the debts of the deceased. I currently only have debts with the National Higher Education Fund Corporation (PTPTN). With my situation not working at the moment, it is very difficult for me to settle the debt financing the lessons. I still hope that one day before I die, all the debts can be paid because I have no wife or children who will help me when I die later. In general, this ...

When Death Invites

  The reality of a life, filled with various unexpected things. As a human being who is a part of that life, one should accept everything with open arms even if it is a grief.  Once again, my large family was overwhelmed with sadness, mourning a death. Unexpected parting, the husband of my aunt passed away suddenly. Usually there are conditions that are the cause of all deaths such as prolonged illness. Indeed many things in this life inevitably happen beyond human expectation. Among them is death, but are we all really prepared to face a death? Yesterday was different compared to today and tomorrow. So we must all always be prepared to face all the possibilities that await us. Aunt and husband have no children, live in an inheritance house. My uncle only has a small coffee shop while my aunt only sells cakes. To me, their lives are quite simple, the nieces and nephews who now each have a career definitely hand out a small monthly contribution to them to cover their daily expe...

Kompaun Pandemik

  Ketika ini, negara Malaysia dalam proses melaksanakan program Vaksinasi melibatkan semua peringkat dan dibahagikan kepada 3 fasa.  Itu bukan bermakna, rakyat Malaysia boleh melakukan apa sahaja termasuk melanggar SOP yang telah ditetapkan oleh MKN atau KKM. Aku masih berpegang kepada prinsip "Education With Law". Ia merujuk kepada mendidik rakyat Malaysia tentang kepentingan pematuhan SOP melalui pelaksanaan undang-undang yang bersesuai.  Hal ini merujuk tindakan kompaun bagi mereka yang melakukan kesalahan tidak mematuhi SOP yang ditetapkan. Sebelum ini, nilai kompaun yang dikenakan adalah sebanyak RM1000 dan ramai rakyat Malaysia yang telah dikenakan kompaun atas kesalahan yang dilakukan.  Di antara kesalahan yang sering dilakukan ialah tidak memakai topeng penutup muka di kawasan tumpuan umum, kemudian tidak menjaga jarak apabila berada dalam kelompok. Berdasarkan kepada nilai cukup membuktikan bahawa masih wujud kesegelintir rakyat Malaysia yang bersikap degil ...

Rank Of Life

 At this time, the way of communication between humans is evolving according to the changes of time and age. Starting from using birds as mailers, then telegraphs, then telephones. Now only through certain applications can make it easier for humans to interact. I'm sure each of us has a smartphone. Then install specific communication apps and create communication groups with different group members. I have a communication group for former company employees, a group of former school students and many more. I was included in a group of alumni for primary school. Most of the members are students from the first class, while I am a student in the third class. Under such conditions, creating an awkward situation between me and the group. Many of the topics covered by them, is not appropriate for me to participate. Sometimes I feel that being in the group is not appreciated at all. They were smart students when I was in primary school, while I was in the category of students who were weak...

Aktiviti Rentas Negeri

Berdasarkan perkembangan semasa, pihak MKN atau KKM masih belum membenarkan sebarang aktiviti rentas negeri di seluruh negara. Hanya kebenaran merentas daerah baru sahaja dibenarkan berdasarkan jumlah kes yang semakin menurun dan bilangan rakyat Malaysia yang telah menerima suntikan vaksin. Walaubagaimanapun, sekiranya ada sebarang urusan rasmi atau penting, rakyat Malaysia dibenarkan untuk merentas negeri dengan mendapatkan kebenaran dari pihak berkuasa iaitu pihak PDRM. Maka tidak hairan apabila jumlah kenderaan di atas jalan raya laluan Kuala Krai - Kota Bharu menunjukan peningkatan pada waktu tertentu. Berdasarkan laporan akhbar Sinarharian . Cukup membuktikan bahawa aktiviti rentas negeri walaupun mendapat kebenaran pihak berkuasa, telah menyebabkan berlaku penularan dengan jumlah jangkitan yang boleh dianggap tinggi. Ketika ini, aku melihat ramai warga kelantan yang tinggal dan bekerja di Wilayah Persekutuan dan Selangor yang mengemaskini status sosial media mereka berkenaan kepu...

Keluhan Peniaga

 A ku singgah membeli di satu gerai yang menjual Ais Batu Campur dan Ais Pulut Tapai di tapak pasar malam di Pekan Ketereh. Hanya gerainya sahaja yang menjual ABC dan APT di Pasar Malam atau Pasar Tani Pekan Ketereh. Dengan harga hanya RM3 bagi satu cup ABC atau APT, sambil menanti order aku di siapkan, terluah keluhan kecil peniaga terbabit berkenaan dengan kenaikan harga bahan utama untuk menghasilkan ABC atau APT. Setiap hari atau setiap minggu ada sahaja barangan yang mengalami kenaikan harga. Ia sedikit memberi tekanan kepada peniaga kecil sepertinya. Secara logiknya apabila harga bahan mentah meningkat maka harga produk yang dipasarkan di pasaran turut meningkat. Namun  wajar atau tidak menjual ABC atau APT dengan harga lebih tinggi dari biasa di kawasan yang diketahui pembelinya dalam kelompok B40. Ada atau tidak pembeli jika harga ABC atau APT dinaikan sehingga RM5 secawan?. Keluhan peniaga itu, merupakan salah satu contoh cabaran yang perlu dihadapi oleh usahawan keci...

Adult Products

I always get my medication needs from a nearby pharmacy. Every time it comes, I definitely try to see if there are any new health products on display. Maybe something fits my level of health. There was only one shelf that caught my eye, from then until now. Shelves displaying sex products such as condoms and lubricants . I feel weird when such a product has its buyers. Although it is sold at the Pharmacy, the locality of this area makes it strange because the price of the product is not cheap. The majority of people here are Muslim Malays who necessarily. Why use the said product if the couple having sex is a lawful wife ?. I understand that the product is a popular item among customers. Kelantan is a state that adopts the basic concept of Islamic governance. Any entertainment such as cinemas or karaoke centers is strictly prohibited. Isn't it strange when there are people who like to use condoms and lubricants in sexual intercourse ?. Do couples in Kelantan practice family plannin...

Rentas Negeri Bersurat?

  Berdasarkan laporan yang dikemaskini oleh Kementerian Kesihatan Malaysia, berkenaan dengan status kebolehjangkitan di Malaysia. Ia menunjukan bahawa bilangan rakyat Malaysia yang dijangkiti semakin menurun. Pada waktu yang sama, program vaksinasi khusus buat seluruh rakyat Malaysia telah bermula. Berdasarkan perkembang ini, besar harapan rakyat Malaysia untuk segalanya kembali pulih seperti biasa walaupun mungkin ada sedikit berbeza. Terutama dari sudut SOP pencegahan yang harus di praktikan sepanjang waktu terutama para pelajar sekolah rendah yang kini mengikuti sesi pembelajaran secara bersemuka. Pada waktu yang sama, pihak kerajaan menegaskan bahawa segala aktiviti rentas negeri masih tidak dibenarkan kecuali mendapat surat kebenaran dari pihak berkuasa.  Namun ada yang pelik berhubung perkara aktiviti rentas negeri ini. Aku pelik bercampur hairan apabila melihat beberapa individu yang tinggal di kawasan setempat dengan kediaman aku. Sentiasa ada di rumah, di Kelantan,...

School Session

 Starting March 1, 2021, the face-to-face school session officially begins. Many parents are starting to incorporate a new routine into their daily activities of sending their children to school. If before, busy in online learning, now busy to prepare children in the early morning to go to school. Most interesting is that the school session this time should follow the new normal method. Before entering the school grounds, students will be checked for body temperature, then should wear a mask and always wash their hands and keep distance between friends. On Social media, friends or acquaintances who are my age. Share their excitement to send their children to school for the first time. To be honest I feel a bit jealous of the heart, they are given the opportunity to see the children go to school. While I am still unmarried even though my age is approaching the number 40. Usually parents who send their first child to school, accompany their child to the classroom. This time, due to t...