Rank Of Life

 At this time, the way of communication between humans is evolving according to the changes of time and age. Starting from using birds as mailers, then telegraphs, then telephones. Now only through certain applications can make it easier for humans to interact.

I'm sure each of us has a smartphone. Then install specific communication apps and create communication groups with different group members. I have a communication group for former company employees, a group of former school students and many more.

I was included in a group of alumni for primary school. Most of the members are students from the first class, while I am a student in the third class. Under such conditions, creating an awkward situation between me and the group. Many of the topics covered by them, is not appropriate for me to participate.

Sometimes I feel that being in the group is not appreciated at all. They were smart students when I was in primary school, while I was in the category of students who were weak in lessons. Doesn't it create a huge dividing wall between me and them ?. Even the way teachers treat themselves is different when it comes to smart students and less intelligent students like me.

Differences are saying an already exists in our society. Just need to see how our acceptance of those differences is. When I worked in the government sector, there was a very noticeable difference of employees in group A category with other groups. Category A group can not be the same as the staff of other groups in an Official Ceremony.

Perhaps this situation is a testament to human nature that one must see who one is before one can socialize in a society. Can a doctor sit at the same table with a homeless person ?. Can an architect sit at the same table as a fisherman? Different positions but one similarity is that they used to go to the same school.


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