
Showing posts from October, 2021

Married vs. divorced

 As a normal and sane human being, definitely have a desire to have a partner through a marriage. In my personal opinion, a marriage is a symbol that humans and other beings are different. Another religion, another culture is definitely another form of marriage that takes place.  According to Islam, marriage is a Sunnah, so every Muslim should facilitate a process of marriage. However, when it comes to Malay culture today, I see the situation is starting to change, the marriage process is seen as something burdensome, especially for the bride and groom. The cost of weddings at this time, especially in urban areas, is of enormous value. I was just thinking, is it really worth it for a man to spend thousands of ringgit for a wedding ?. There are marriages worth tens of thousands of ringgit, the situation becomes sad when marriages worth tens of thousands of ringgit can only last for a while and get divorced for various absurd reasons. Based on my life experience for 4 decades, t...

Rindu Ketika Pandemik

  Demi memutuskan penularan virus di kalangan rakyat Malaysia, salah satu tindakan yang di ambil oleh pihak kerajaan ialah melarang sebarang aktiviti rentas negeri. Jika ada keperluan untuk merentas, kebenaran pihak polis di perlukan cara bertulis. Kini, setelah kadar vaksinasi penduduk dewasa Malaysia mencapai 90%, akhirnya pihak kerajaan menarik balik larangan merentas negeri bagi seluruh rakyat Malaysia. Semestinya ia sesuatu yang menggembirakan, pengumuman kebenaran di umumkan pada waktu petang, malamnya ramai yang telah bersiap untuk merentas negeri. Aku kini tinggal bersama ibu, semestinya aku tidak berasa apa-apa apabila mengetahui bahawa rakyat Malaysia telah dibenarkan merentas negeri, cuma tiada lagi situasi Balai Polis dipenuhi oleh mereka yang ingin memohon kebenaran merentas negeri. Tiada lagi situasi di mana jalan raya sepi dari kenderaan yang lalu-lalang setiap masa terutama waktu pagi. Aku mengerti bahawa ketika ini, ramai hati telah terubat rindunya apabila sekian ...

Solat Jumaat Fasa 2

 Negeri Kelantan masih berada di fasa 2 dalam Pelan Pemulihan Negara, berbanding negeri-negeri lain. Sebelum ini Majlis Agama Islam Kelantan (MAIK) memberi kebenaran untuk 40 orang sahaja termasuk AJK Masjid bersolat termasuk solat Jumaat. Kini MAIK telah memberi kebenaran untuk semua surau dan Masjid dalam negeri Kelantan menambah bilangan jemaah mengikut kapasiti Masjid dengan jarak 1.5 meter di antara jemaah. Setelah beberapa minggu tidak bersolat Jumaat, hari ini aku rasa bersemangat untuk datang ke Masjid. Aku ke Masjid pukul 11.30 pagi, waktu Zohor pada pukul 12.59 tengahari. Pada awalnya, penyakit axiety aku menyerang, pelbagai rasa takut datang di minda terutama takut masjid belum dibuka dan pelbagai lagi sangkaan. Aku berwudhuk dari rumah lagi, bila ternampak sahaja pintu Masjid, hanya Allah SWT Maha mengetahui perasaan aku ketika itu, air mata tiba-tiba mengalir, aku terus rasa sebak dan sayu melihat rumah Allah SWT di depan mata. Kebiasaannya, setiap kali aku melalui Mas...

Balik Kampung

Setelah sekian lama segala aktiviti disekat oleh pihak kerajaan disebabkan pandemik. Kini, segala sekatan telah ditarik balik dan rakyat mula dibenarkan melakukan satu demi satu aktiviti yang sekian lama terhenti. Di antara aktiviti yang di sekat ialah aktiviti rentas negeri iaitu pergerakan dari satu tempat ke tempat lain dalam radius yang besar. Aktiviti rentas negeri paling popular semesti BALIK KAMPUNG, setelah beberapa bulan tidak dibenarkan balik kampung untuk bertemu mata dengan ibubapa atau saudara-mara, kini semuanya mula merancang berapa lama untuk mereka pulang ke kampung. Aku amat pasti akan berlaku kesesakan lalu-lintas yang teruk terutama laluan ke pantai timur. Aku mengerti perasaan mereka yang sekian lama bersabar walaupun perasaan rindu semakin menebal di dalam hati. Cuma jangan lupa bahawa kita masih belum menang sepenuhnya, masih wujud penularan atau jangkitan dalam komuniti, bahkan masih wujud kluster demi kluster baru.  Bersandarkan kepada peratusan rakyat Mala...

Across the State

 Because I live in Kelantan, every current issue is like a pandemic. I like the Kelantan situation, as a reference for my personal opinion. Indeed every location or place has its socio -cultural differences.  Every day, there must be a story or event that happens and can be used as a historical record either for me personally or the local community. Although the government has not yet announced permission for Malaysians to cross the state, the number of vehicles passing through the Kuala Krai to Kota Bharu route is seen to be increasing, in my observation. Has there been any cross -state activity even without official permission from the National Security Council ?. I feel a little worried considering the current situation in Kelantan, still recorded a 4 -figure number of cases. What will be the situation if there is a drastic increase in the number of Kelantanese entering the state ?. Will the state of Kelantan move to phase 3 of the national recovery plan like other states ?...

Melaka State Election

At first I thought that no big things were going to happen this month, it turned out my guess was wrong.  A new political polemic in the country appeared suddenly, The state of Melaka, which once experienced a political conflict that led to the change of Chief Minister, is once again facing a similar situation in my opinion. The conflict started when 4 State Assemblymen no longer supported the Chief Minister of Melaka due to certain factors as reported by the mainstream media. This current situation is very unfortunate because at this time, all parties are busy in managing the national recovery plan and vaccination program. This conflict led to the dissolution of the Melaka State Legislative Assembly, this situation requires that State Elections be held immediately as enshrined in the Constitution. Referring to the history of the pandemic that has hit the country and the world, we certainly do not want the things that happened during the State Election in Sabah, to happen again in ...


  Sesungguhnya di antara perkara yang kita selaku manusia sering lupa ialah bersyukur dengan setiap nikmat yang Allah SWT kurniakan. Aku amat pasti sifat yang sentiasa wujud di hati kita ialah TAMAK, rasa tidak pernah cukup dengan apa yang dimiliki sedangkan masih ramai di luar sana yang kurang segalanya berbanding apa yang kita miliki. Alhamdulillah, walaupun aku lahir dalam keluarga berpendapatan rendah, tidak pernah aku tidur dalam kelaparan. Namun, kadangkala wujud sifat TAMAK apabila melihat orang lain lebih dari apa yang aku nikmati. Keluarga aku boleh dikategorikan dalam kumpulan B40, namun alhamdulillah seperti aku katakan, semua mencukupi. Apabila aku ketemu seorang anak yang seharusnya tidak perlu memikirkan soal wang tetapi sebaliknya harus berusaha atau bekerja untuk membantu ibubapanya yang sakit, aku rasa sangat BERSYUKUR dengan apa yang aku miliki. Dengan adik-beradik yang ramai, ibubapa yang sakit, anak ini bersama adi-beradiknya hanya makan nasi sekali sehari. Keti...

Kelantan is still high?

 Currently, the vaccination rate in Malaysia is approaching 90% for adults. It is a good sign in the process of economic recovery of the country in general.  Various economic activities have been allowed to operate normally, at the same time the number of positive cases of infection is declining. However, I have a bit of a problem when looking at the graph of infection cases for the state of Kelantan. It is still categorized as high even though the graph readings have fluctuated and gone up with values that can be considered high at this time. Yesterday (4/10/2021), the number of cases recorded was 1020 cases and was in second place after Sarawak which recorded 1189 cases. I’m not an academic or an expert in medicine, makes me think, figuring out what the root cause is. Kelantan now outperforms Selangor in terms of the number of daily positive cases.  I am trying to look at the vaccination rate in Kelantan at this time, based on my personal understanding. It may be one of...

Kemenangan Tipis

  Politik Malaysia ketika ini, pada pendapat aku seperti babak drama bersiri kerana dipenuhi dengan pelbagai elemen yang dijangka dan hasilnya amat mengecewakan dan mendukacitakan. Umum sedia maklum bahawa Pilihan Raya Umum di Malaysia akan diadakan setiap 5 tahun sekali, 222 kerusi Dewan Rakyat di pertandingkan dan dikalangan 222 kerusi tersebut, seorang akan dilantik menjadi Perdana Menteri Malaysia. Keputusan PRU ke-14, kita semua mengetahui bahawa parti Pakatan Harapan (PH) berjaya menumbangkan parti Barisan Nasional (BN), kemudian PH telah memilih bekas Perdana Menteri ke-4 sebagai Perdana Menteri ke-7. Pentadbiran negara berjalan seperti biasa untuk beberapa ketika di bawah PH, kemudian drama politik bermula. Pada waktu yang sama, dunia dilanda Pandemik C19 sehingga meragut jutaan nyawa. Drama politik masih berterusan dengan rakyat menjadi saksi, kita mendapat 3 Perdana Menteri dalam penggal yang sama. Satu situasi yang luar jangkaan pada pendapat aku, drama politik bukan han...


 The pandemic that is plaguing the world will enter an endemic phase soon, many things happened during 2019 to 2021 related to the pandemic. Indeed, this pandemic is not something that can be considered normal even if we enter the endemic phase because it is so easy to infect humans. Yesterday, I had the opportunity to chat with one of the bank staff nearby, the staff member shared his experience of being infected by the pandemic a few weeks ago. He was infected by the bank's customers, without any symptoms at the beginning of the infection, causing him to infect other family members at home. When infected, the bank staff involved had not received the vaccine injection, it caused the level of infection to be more serious until he lost his sense of smell, sense of taste and difficult to breathe.  During the treatment process, he tried all kinds of methods or diets recommended to him, he said among the methods or diets practiced, he found that by eating bananas, the healing proc...

The love story elderly

  Indeed, the story of love in human life exists regardless of age, race or religion. Do not look at how the beginning because it must be filled with a sweet story but look at the end of a love story, whether it ends with happiness or otherwise. Usually love stories exist as early as childhood, that's for sure only the last love story is different because it depends on the choice. I am interested in the love story of a couple who are over 50 years old. Of course it is very interesting because not everyone is able to create their new love story at such an age. The socio -culture of the nation also influences this situation or love story, the socio -culture of western countries must be very different from the socio -cultural of eastern countries such as Malaysia. Among the characters of this elderly love story. Some have lived single from young to old, have now met a life partner, some have lost their husbands or wives or have been divorced for a long time and have now met a new part...

October 2021

 Now we are in October, only 2 months left before the year 2021 ends and the hopes of the people of the world must focus on recovery planning for the next year which is 2022. Of course everyone hopes that 2022 will be better than 2020 and 2021. Challenging years and an allegation for all, surely each of us is affected by the pandemic that is sweeping the world. Entering October also means that it has been a year since my brother returned to Putrajaya after working in Kelantan for almost 5 years. Of course the atmosphere is a little different because the family members only have mom, me and my brother. My age is getting closer to the number 4 near, the opportunities and space for me to succeed are getting limited. I have to compete with a new generation if I want to get a career that is more secure for the future like everyone else, even though I know maybe dreams and responsibilities are something different in my life right now. October is the future at this time, what kind of futu...


  Ketika ini, harga emas di pasaran dikatakan berada di takat yang rendah berbanding sebelumnya, ia menyebabkan ramai kaum wanita berpusu-pusu ke kedai emas berdekatan untuk membeli barang hiasan tersebut yang cukup sinonim dengan kaum wanita tanpa mengira peringkat umur. Di Kelantan, terdapat pelbagai pilihan yang ditawarkan untuk para pelanggan. Aku harus akui bahawa di antara tarikan negeri Kelantan adalah wujudnya puluhan kedai emas yang menawarkan pelbagai bentuk hiasan emas dengan harga yang agak murah berbanding di kawasan pantai barat berdasarkan pemerhatian aku selama ini. Apabila menyentuh perihal barang perhiasan emas, hati ini rasa sangat sedih kerana tidak mampu untuk menghadiahkan barang perhiasan buat ibu seperti orang lain. Tidak seperti orang lain, setiap kali pulang ke kampung pasti menghadiahkan ibu mereka dengan perhiasan emas walaupun sebentuk cincin. Ketika umur memasuki 4 dekad, aku masih seorang penganggur yang masih tercari-cari hala tuju kehidupan ini, per...