Kelantan is still high?

 Currently, the vaccination rate in Malaysia is approaching 90% for adults. It is a good sign in the process of economic recovery of the country in general. Various economic activities have been allowed to operate normally, at the same time the number of positive cases of infection is declining.

However, I have a bit of a problem when looking at the graph of infection cases for the state of Kelantan. It is still categorized as high even though the graph readings have fluctuated and gone up with values that can be considered high at this time. Yesterday (4/10/2021), the number of cases recorded was 1020 cases and was in second place after Sarawak which recorded 1189 cases.

I’m not an academic or an expert in medicine, makes me think, figuring out what the root cause is. Kelantan now outperforms Selangor in terms of the number of daily positive cases. I am trying to look at the vaccination rate in Kelantan at this time, based on my personal understanding. It may be one of the reasons why Kelantan still records a high value of infection cases at this time. 

Currently, the state of Kelantan is in the 2nd lowest place, the lowest is the state of Sabah for the national vaccination program. Kelantan recorded 57.0% of its population who had been vaccinated and recorded 73.3% of its population who had registered for vaccinations.

Why is the percentage still low ?, other states that used to have a higher value of infection cases compared to Kelantan are now showing a decrease and even better than Kelantan. Before this, a handful of Kelantanese, especially the locals in the area where I live, often said they were afraid to go to Selangor or Kuala Lumpur because of the high infection rate there. Now the situation may change, residents of Selangor or Kuala Lumpur may be afraid to come to Kelantan. Kelantan is also a state that recorded cases of Delta variant infection, a variant that is very fast spreading and dangerous compared to previous variants. Kelantan is now in phase 2 of the National Rehabilitation Plan, there are still many things to be done to enable Kelantan to be in the next phase.

Look at the vaccination data and the number of cases of infection. Various assumptions can be made with reference to the state of Kelantan. In my opinion, the younger generation should play a role in giving awareness to parents or elderly people who have not yet received the vaccine, about the importance of getting vaccinated. in an effort to ensure the condition is not critical to the point of death if infected.

Currently, Kelantanese living outside Kelantan are waiting for permission from the authorities to return to Kelantan on holiday. I estimate the number of vehicles entering Kelantan will increase 2-3 times more than usual. It may increase the risk of infection if the vaccination rate of Kelantan people is still low. At the same time, I see the rate of compliance with SOPs among the population is also getting lower. I just said let time determine everything.


Data Cases Kelantan 1

Vaccination Program


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