
Showing posts from September, 2021

Politics and fortune

 When it comes to politics, in my opinion, it is a global topic because politics plays an important role in the stability of a country. It differs only in who is a politician in the country.  Everyone hopes that every politician or political leader involved will carry out their responsibilities especially in the interest of the people. The question is whether politicians really serve the people ?. I apologize in advance if my understanding based on observations over the years is wrong about the life of a political leader who is seen living very comfortably compared to the local community. Arguably, these differences exist in societies all over the world. Even the poorest countries, their leaders are still living comfortably. I think there is injustice in this system, it should be the people who have high incomes compared to their politicians.  If we look at the monthly income of a politician and compare it with the income of employees in the private sector, the difference...

Fully Vaccinated

  Yesterdays , I received my 2nd dose injection and it made me have a complete injection of Sinovac vaccine. Now I have to wait for 14 days, which is an observation period to see the effects of the 2nd dose injection, based on my personal understanding.  After 14 days, it was only then that my digital vaccination certificate was valid when I was in a public hotspot. I arrived at the clinic where I received my vaccination at 9 am. At that time, I saw so many teenagers with their parents queuing, I thought that they were the same as me to receive the second dose of vaccine injection, apparently they came as a walk-in to get injections for their children due to the upcoming school session, open early next month. However, most of them failed to get injections today due to the limited number of injections provided by the Clinic with the permission of the Ministry of Health Malaysia.  I think that the government has given a complete explanation with respect to the procedure of ...

Di mana anak itu?

  Kita semua merupakan ANAK kepada ibubapa kita, jasa mereka terhadap kita sangat besar dan tidak mungkin mampu terbalas sampai bila-bila kerana itu, setiap ANAK harus memikirkan ibubapa dalam setiap tindakan mereka, setiap waktu. Hal ini kerana setiap ibubapa sentiasa memikirkan anak-anak mereka walaupun jauh di mata. Betapa happy ibu aku apabila mengetahui bahawa abang akan pulang bulan depan, walaupun masih panjang waktunya tetapi telah memikirkan apa yang abang inginkan apabila sampai ke rumah nanti. Itulah hati nurani setiap ibubapa kita semua. Bermula dari kita berada dalam kandungan, kemudian dilahirkan, kemudian dibesarkan dari kecil sehingga dewasa. Tempoh yang sangat panjang dan penuh cabaran bagi ibubapa dalam memastikan ANAK mereka bahagia berada di dunia ini. Adakah ANAK memahami ibubapa mereka?. Perjalanan hidup aku di dunia ini memasuki 4 dekad, sepanjang tempoh itu, aku alami sendiri selaku ANAK dan melihat manusia disekeliling yang bergelar ANAK. Pada aku, wujud 2 ...

Easily changed?

The story of a husband and wife is a story that may be the same between married couples or there may be differences between them. It depends on how to communicate with the partner. It is said that there is a difference in the situation before and after marriage, I am not sure of the truth because I myself am not married. I wrote about the story of the husband and wife based on the story that was told to me all this time. It is not the intention of any wife to expose her own husband's shame, only to express her feelings because of the difference in the husband's treatment received by the wife, especially before marriage and after marriage. Come to think of it, there is logic to what they said, because I am also a man and acknowledge the truth of a man’s attitude before and after marriage. Maybe not everyone behaves that way but it still exists maybe unconsciously. A man, when he is a lover, whatever his lover wants will be fulfilled immediately. A woman shared a story, at one ti...

Future wife

 I'm a bachelor, I'm almost 40 years old. Many people ask why at such an age I am still unmarried. Among my peers, almost all of them are married and have beautiful children. Honestly, as a normal man, I want to get married but according to Islam based on my current situation. I am not yet worthy to be a husband. In Malaysia, the cost of a marriage before a pandemic is so high that it is beyond common sense. It causes the bridegroom, to have to work 24/7 to cover the cost of a wedding. When the pandemic hit, then the wedding was held quite simply, even without a wedding dress. Really follow the sunnah of Islam. It's just that I don't have a future wife when the cost of marriage is not so high. I want to but still can't. It's sad to think about this journey of life, but I have to accept it sincerely. Finding a wife is not as easy as it used to be. Some have divorced at a very young age in my opinion. Based on my personal experience, local women are very picky abo...

Did you eat breakfast?

 Each of us definitely needs to eat to gain energy to continue our daily activities. Usually, we will eat at least 3 times a day in the morning, noon and night. I want to tell you about one of the times that has become a habit for all of us to enjoy food, which is breakfast in the morning. Why breakfast ?, to me, this time is a very interesting time for us to see and evaluate someone because breakfast time is the time of the beginning of a new life in a new day for all of us. In Malaysia, it is one of the most interesting countries in my opinion when it comes to breakfast. In Malaysia, there are various food menus available to choose from. Among the menu that is the main choice is nasi lemak or roti canai or ready -made fried foods. But there are also those who like to eat breakfast from fast food. Believe it or not, many nasi lemak sellers are able to live comfortably by only selling nasi lemak in the morning at a price of around RM2 - RM5 depending on the type of dish taken. If a...

Sekolah di buka

  Pihak Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia (KPM) telah mengesahkan bahawa sesi persekolahan bersemuka akan bermula secara rasmi bermula awal bulan hadapan. Setelah sekian lama, sesi pembelajaran dan pengajaran di adakan secara atas talian atau PdPr, keputusan yang diumumkan oleh pihak KPM pasti mendatangkan pelbagai respon dari semua pihak bukan hanya ibubapa sahaja. Aku cuba memahami polemik ini pada kedudukan pihak yang terlibat, pada pihak Kementerian, Guru atau Sekolah, Ibubapa dan Pelajar itu sendiri. Pada pendapat peribadi aku, selaku para pelajar, menjadi satu kegembiraan kepada mereka apabila mendengar sesi persekolahan akan dibuka seperti biasa. Ia bukan hanya melibatkan sesi pembelajaran secara langsung tetapi secara tidak langsung juga. Pasti para pelajar rindu untuk berjumpa kawan-kawan sebaya mereka, sama-sama berada di dalam kelas dan mengikuti pembelajaran secara bersemuka dengan cikgu. Tanpa bebanan peralatan seperti hp atau peranti yang sesuai untuk Pdpr serta tiada be...

Pandemic - Endemic

Based on the latest report regarding the Pandemic in Malaysia, the situation is getting under control when several efforts are carried out such as the Vaccination program for Malaysians, showing success. The number of patients in ICU wards in some hospitals is declining, which is good news for all of us. I think the government has done everything it can, It is now up to Malaysians to ensure their safety so that they are not infected by the pandemic. Of course we do not want our relatives or friends to die because of a pandemic. The pandemic has left a lot of impact on all of us, a lot of loss felt. We must also accept that this pandemic virus will continue to exist with us forever. Most importantly at this point, we must learn to live in the new norms, always adhere to the SOPs set by the government because the SOPs have proven to be effective. Due to that, the government will announce that the current pandemic status will change to endemic status. To me, that doesn't mean we'v...

Riadah vs Ibadah

  Setelah sekian lama, kita dikenakan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dengan matlamat untuk memutuskan rantaian penularan pandemik di Malaysia. Akhirnya pihak kerajaan mula memberi kebenaran untuk rakyat Malaysia melakukan aktiviti-aktiviti yang sebelum ini terpaksa disekat untuk sementara waktu. Di antara aktiviti yang dibenarkan ialah riadah di tempat-tempat awam atau lokasi tertentu yang menjadi tumpuan seperti kawasan air terjun, pantai dan sebagainya. Ketika ini, beberapa buah pantai di Kelantan telah mula menerima kunjungan pelawat dengan bilangan yang sangat ramai sehingga berlaku kesesakan di kawasan yang dinyatakan. Pada waktu yang sama, aktiviti Ibadah di Masjid dan Surau turut diberi kebenaran cuma jumlah jemaahnya dihadkan dengan jumlah tertentu. Aku bukan seorang pakar dalam ilmu hukum agama, cuma timbul sedikit pertanyaan, mengapa pihak berkuasa menghadkan bilangan jemaah di Masjid atau Surau tetapi tidak menghadkan jumlah pengunjung di satu-satu kawasan riadah?. Ak...

Jati Diri

 Apabila menyebut perkataan 'JATI DIRI' , ada sesuatu yang bermain di fikiran aku ketika ini. Masih wujudkah Jati Diri di kalangan generasi muda masa kini?. Adakah kulit dan isi masih sama atau telah berbeza?, kulit durian tetapi isinya epal?. Secara umumnya, Jati Diri boleh di fahami sebagai sifat atau ciri unik dan istimewa, ia merangkumi bahasa, budaya dan agama yang menjadi teras dan lambang keperibadian individu. Setiap bangsa mempunyai sifat JATI DIRI yang berbeza dan ianya harus dipertahankan walaupun di mana seseorang itu berada. Mengapa orang dahulu, sanggup berkorban nyawa melawan penjajah?. Pada pendapat aku, ia adalah kerana ingin mempertahankan Jati Diri bangsa. Bangsa Melayu, semestinya bahasa yang digunakan adalah bahasa Melayu kerana ia lambang Jati Diri bangsa itu, jika orang Melayu mula lupa bagaimana untuk bercakap bahasa Melayu. Ia masih melayu cuma Jati Dirinya ada sedikit kepincangan. Generasi muda kini, mula wujud kelompok yang dilihat semakin hilan...

Malaysia Control Order

 The government began to allow Malaysians to carry out activities that had been stopped due to the Movement Control Order. One by one, restrictions began to be allowed, it must be good news for Malaysians who have been patient through the period of the Movement Control Order.  The number of roadblocks began to be reduced, cross -district activities began to be allowed, and I even saw that some had returned to the village despite having permission letters from the police. The tourism sector, which is one of the income -generating sectors for the people and the country, has officially started operating. It started with the 'Travel Bubble' and Langkawi was chosen by the government, in my opinion maybe the government would like to see the ability to control the situation if there is a new infection. Kelantan is one of the states that has its beach attractions, visitors start coming when the government allows leisure activities. Yesterday, my own relatives, visiting a nearby beach,...

Antivaccine Group

  The year 2020 was the beginning year to a pandemic that hit the whole world and claimed millions of lives. At that time, the vaccine had not yet been discovered but efforts were made by scientists.  In 2021, the vaccine was finally successfully produced and began to receive demand from countries affected by the pandemic, including Malaysia. Once the ordered vaccine was obtained, the government continued to implement a vaccination program for Malaysians which was divided into 3 phases.  Each Malaysians who want to get the vaccine must register at the application set by the government. Next the system will inform Malaysians who have signed up to receive injections of an appointment date, location and time.  My mother had completed receiving the vaccine injection while I had just received the first dose injection. I'm not an expert on vaccines. I just know that the vaccine is an effort to make sure each of us is not so affected if infected by the virus.  The vacc...

Berniaga Kueh

  Apabila Pandemik melanda negara, kerajaan terpaksa melaksanakan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan ( PKP) sebagai satu cara untuk menghentikan penularan dalam komuniti setempat.  PKP menyebabkan hampir semua aktiviti ekonomi terpaksa dihentikan sementara waktu dalam tempoh tertentu. Kesan dari pelaksanaan PKP yang amat jelas, ramai diberhentikan kerja, hilang sumber mata pencarian dalam waktu yang sama kos hidup semakin meningkat terutama bagi mereka yang tinggal di kawasan bandar seperti Kuala Lumpur. Peluang semakin terbatas namun kehidupan masih harus diteruskan. Ada yang berjaya meneruskan kehidupan, ada yang gagal dan akhirnya mengambil langkah singkat dengan MEMBUNUH DIRI . Perniagaan dalam kulinari merupakan perniagaan yang menjadi pilihan ramai orang ketika berlakunya pandemik ketika ini. Kita boleh melihat ramai yang beranikan diri menjadi usahawan dalam bidang kulinari. Perkara paling penting apabila bercakap tentang perniagaan adalah apakah produk yang ingin dijual kepa...

Germ Infection

Once again it happened. My mother was attacked by an unusual high fever that caused lose consciousness. Countless times my mother was in this situation.  Started from his body feeling uncomfortable, then a sudden cold before being unconscious. The first time my mother fell ill and lost consciousness was in 2018. Luckily, my cousin came to the house at that time to check on my mother who was fasting.  At that time, fortunately my cousin immediately asked for help, if it was too late, my mother would have died. For almost 2 weeks, my mother had to be detained in the ward and luckily there was an aunt who was willing to accompany her day and night. To be honest, I'm scared when I think about my mother's health status. At the same time, I myself am in an unhealthy status, not the same as when I worked in Putrajaya around 2012-2015. With my situation not working, there is no income at all.  The cost of treatment is currently increasing and requires me and mom to have emergency...

Change debit cards

  I’m not sure if everyone knows that bank debit cards have an expiration date. Each cardholder must renew the debit card upon expiration. For the purpose of renewing the card, the owner must go to the bank counter. That is a big problem for me because of the current pandemic situation and the unhealthy condition of the mother to go to the bank like everyone else. Over the past 3 months, I was always thinking of how easy it would be for me to take mom to the bank for a new debit card conversion process. So much so that I didn't sleep well for some time because I was thinking about it and yesterday, I finally managed to take my mother to the bank with the help of my closest brother. I did not know that the operating hours of the bank during the implementation of the MCO, have been shortened from the usual time. To avoid a crowded situation and a long queue outside the premises, I went to the bank at 2.00 pm, I thought there were no customers at that time apparently the bank had clos...

The first dose

After a long wait for a vaccine injection appointment date, I finally received the injection for the first dose at a Private Health Clinic that provides vaccine injections to the public . . Although I received the vaccine injection but it was not of the type of vaccine I wanted. But as long as it is a vaccine, it will definitely bring benefits to the recipients including me after my mother got it earlier than me. Most importantly, the state of Kelantan still recorded the number of cases of infection at a value of 4 digits. Of course, vaccination is an effort to keep yourself from getting serious harm if you get an infection. I received injections at a private clinic close to home. The scheduled appointment time is 10.30 am. However, I came to the clinic as early as possible. I aim to come early, to minimize any risk. This is because the Clinic is a location that can be categorized as a focal location. There is a risk of pandemic infection. When I arrived, I registered first. Fill o...

Drugs and death

Everyone who lives will surely die. We will all die regardless of who we are on this earth. What makes the difference is just how we die. Are we going to die naturally like old age or die due to something unexpected ?.  Every religion or race has differences in the matter of death. But the basics remain the same in my opinion that every creature that breathes must stop breathing when the time comes.  I believe the whole world knows the effects of drug abuse. Regardless of time or age, must exist in the communities involved as drug addicts in the country regardless of where we are. It can be likened to cancer for which there is no cure.  Currently, I am approaching 40 years of age. Since from childhood until now. I never did hear that the community in which I live free from drug abuse. There are definitely members of the community involved with drug addiction. Most heartbreaking when listening, there are among those I know. Died of drugs. The fact is that there are those w...

Suka Berhutang

 Aku bagaikan tiada idea untuk memulakan penulisan kali ini. Ada kisah yang dikongsikan cuma penceritaan yang bagaimana ingin aku sampaikan. Bimbang nanti membuatkan orang yang membacanya salah faham terhadap niat sebenar aku berkongsi kisah kehidupan pada kali ini. Sebuah kisah berkenaan dengan KAWAN. Kawan!, semua ada kawan. Cuma kawan yang bagaimana kita miliki?. Adakah kawan yang mampu membantu ketika kita dalam kesusahan atau kawan hanya ada ketika kita berada dalam kesenangan?. Kalau pandai memilih kawan, in sha Allah bahagia di dunia dan akhirat, jika tersalah pilih kawan. Pasti pelbagai kesedihan yang mengundang. Setiap satu kawan yang kita miliki pasti mempunyai pelbagai perangai yang mungkin boleh kita menerimanya mungkin tidak. Bagaimana jika kita ketemu dengan kawan yang suka berhutang?. Aku juga merupakan seorang kawan yang suka berhutang. Paling banyak nilai aku berhutang ialah RM500. Itupun disebabkan kawan aku yang join bisnes network ini berjaya. KONONNYA!. Dari 20...

Me and Women

I want to share my story with women, besides my mother. Every human being has been destined to be paired, just with whom, where and how to meet it is the secret of Allah SWT. In sha Allah. It's just that I haven't met the woman who was destined for me until now. Based on my experience. It’s so hard for me to approach a woman, even just to be friends. Especially among single women. It is easier to be friends with someone's wife but in Islam, it is strictly forbidden. Is it because of my body shape or my financial status at the moment making it difficult to approach any woman?. At the age of childhood, we must assume that this group does not understand the nature or desires of a human being, including the nature of being attracted to women.  Still, we should not deny that the relationship exists unconsciously, boys will naturally be attracted to make friends with girls. I started to feel attracted to girls when I was in primary school, only the female students I was attracted...

Welcome September

 Entering September for 2021, I don’t know how to describe how I feel at the moment. Am I happy or sad or have no feelings at all ?. I just wonder, what will happen during this month ?. Is it as warm as it was in August ?. I still have not seen the best thing going for the year 2021 for Malaysians. Life must go on even if we don’t know how it goes. There are 4 months left before we enter the year 2022. The people want the country to get better. Countries that managed to get out of trouble pandemic and economic problems. I admit that there are parties who are not affected from an economic point of view even though the country is inundated with various related problems. Not only Malaysia but the whole world is facing the same situation. There are even countries that had reportedly is recovering from the economic crisis or health. Back squeezed by the same crisis. In terms of national politics. I see the new Minister of Health appointed a new administration. Do the job as best as poss...