Antivaccine Group

 The year 2020 was the beginning year to a pandemic that hit the whole world and claimed millions of lives. At that time, the vaccine had not yet been discovered but efforts were made by scientists. 

In 2021, the vaccine was finally successfully produced and began to receive demand from countries affected by the pandemic, including Malaysia.

Once the ordered vaccine was obtained, the government continued to implement a vaccination program for Malaysians which was divided into 3 phases. 

Each Malaysians who want to get the vaccine must register at the application set by the government. Next the system will inform Malaysians who have signed up to receive injections of an appointment date, location and time. 

My mother had completed receiving the vaccine injection while I had just received the first dose injection.

I'm not an expert on vaccines. I just know that the vaccine is an effort to make sure each of us is not so affected if infected by the virus. 

The vaccine has proven its effectiveness so far based on experiences shared by my own family members. So it is surprising when there is an anti-vaccine group among the local community.

Various reasons or arguments given by this anti-vaccine group. Some make sense and some are nonsense. Naturally, it becomes a personal right for a person to receive or not a vaccine injection. 

Yet in certain situations, it has to be required because it involves mutual interests. For example, teachers who have to teach the students in the school, of course this situation requires teachers to receive vaccinations for fear of infection occur among school students.

To be honest myself, at the beginning the vaccination program was introduced in Malaysia. I was not at all interested in getting the injection. Still, when thinking about the health risks of my mother and relatives, I decided to accept the vaccine injection despite the fear that was there.

So I find it really hard to understand the thinking of this anti-vaccine group. Some are willing to lose their jobs in order to defend their belief in not receiving vaccinations. 

While many lost their jobs due to the pandemic, there were a handful of groups who were willing to lose their jobs in order to defend their faith. A situation that is difficult for my mind to accept personally.

According to the latest report, a number of teachers who refused to be vaccinated, were not allowed to teach face to face by the Ministry of Education Malaysia. 

They are said to be given other tasks in addition to the ministry will hold further discussions with the Public Service Commission. What will happen ?, we who determine our own future choices of what we have. 

I don't know if the action taken by the group that refuses this vaccine, is wise or the other way around ?.


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