Politics and fortune
When it comes to politics, in my opinion, it is a global topic because politics plays an important role in the stability of a country. It differs only in who is a politician in the country. Everyone hopes that every politician or political leader involved will carry out their responsibilities especially in the interest of the people. The question is whether politicians really serve the people ?.
I apologize in advance if my understanding based on observations over the years is wrong about the life of a political leader who is seen living very comfortably compared to the local community. Arguably, these differences exist in societies all over the world. Even the poorest countries, their leaders are still living comfortably.
I think there is injustice in this system, it should be the people who have high incomes compared to their politicians. If we look at the monthly income of a politician and compare it with the income of employees in the private sector, the difference is huge even though the education level of employees in the private sector is higher.
Although politicians have high incomes but there is still a possibility of corruption among them. The victims of what will happen must be the people who voted for the politicians involved. When the time comes for the general election, all sorts of promises are given to the people in the hope that the politicians involved will be elected again for a certain period.
Once the election is over, the winning politician will usually disappear from the view of the people who voted, only to return when the time for the next general election comes. The problems that the people face continue to be left unchecked, even burdened with other problems in the future. Their cars are getting bigger, the houses are more comfortable but the people may still be the same or change a little but it doesn’t match what it should be.
I think it’s getting harder to find people who enter politics without expecting a return. From childhood until now, I feel quite aware of the temperament or desires of those who participate in politics. I’ve never seen a politician ride an old car that doesn’t symbolize a politician. I have never heard or seen a politician living in a small or simple house like the common people.
When I was in primary school, I once heard the phrase "If you want to be rich then join the politics of the country", right ?. Looking back at the antics of leaders around the world, I almost believe that statement and as a citizen, maybe I should learn to sincerely accept the current situation. "MONEY IS EVERYTHING"
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