Ketika keadaan politik semasa masih tidak menentu, angin mula bertiup laju bahawa kerajaan disarankan untuk membubarkan Dewan Rakyat agar rakyat dapat menentukan siapakah yang benar-benar layak mentadbir negara ini.

Timbul persoalan ketika ini, siapakah bakal mengisi kerusi calon Parlimen Ketereh?. Ketika ini, ada 2 Menteri penuh kerajaan persekutuan yang mewakili dua parti di bahagian yang sama iaitu YB TS Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Annuar bin Haji Musa mewakili Parti UMNO dan seorang lagi YB Senator Dr Mohd Radzi bin Md Jidin yang mewakili Parti Bersatu Malaysia.

Kedua-dua mereka merupakan pemimpin parti di bahagian Ketereh, rakyat Malaysia sedia maklum bahawa ketika ini Bersatu telah menjadi sebahagian dari komponen Permuafakatan atau Perikatan Nasional selain parti BN & PAS.

Siapa yang kekal & siapa yang beralih arah?, atau ada calon lain yang menanti untuk bertanding bagi kerusi Parlimen Ketereh pada PRU ke-15 nanti?. Satu teka-teki seperti dapat di agak jawapannya namun mampu berubah di saat akhir.

Sejujurnya reputasi YB TS Datuk Seri Haji Annuar Musa di bumi Ketereh tidak dapat disangkalkan lagi kerana bukti telah tersedia dengan terdirinya Matrikulasi, Politeknik, Kolej Komuniti dan banyak lagi. 

Adakah YB TS Datuk Seri kekal atau cuba beralih angin di tempat baru?, menabur bakti pada kawasan lain pula yang sangat memerlukan kehadiran pemimpin seperti YB TS Datuk Seri Annuar Musa.

KPI selaku Menteri Wilayah Persekutuan ketika ini yang sangat cemerlang di mata rakyat, berkemungkinan YB TS Datuk Seri akan meneruskan kecemerlangan itu sebagai ahli Parlimen kawasan terbabit. Sekadar aku mencongak secara peribadi berdasarkan pemerhatian aku sendiri.

Adakah rakyat Ketereh sanggup melepaskan pemimpin kesayangan mereka?. Mungkin YB Senator Dr Mohd Radzi Jidin mampu meneruskan kecemerlangan seperti yang ditunjukkan oleh YB TS Datuk Seri Pangliman Annuar Musa?.

Aku timbulkan polemik ini adalah kerana angin semakin kuat bertiup, PRU ke-15 berkemungkinan besar berlaku dalam waktu terdekat, namun insan yang paling mengetahui bila PRU semestinya TSMY selaku Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

Rasanya tidak salah untuk rakyat peringkat bawah cuba bermain teka-teki siapa bakal menjadi calon bagi PRU nanti untuk kerusi Parlimen kerana YB TS Datuk Seri Panglima pernah bertembung dengan YB Senator DR Mohd Radzi Jidin pada PRU yang lalu.

Oleh sebab itu, ketika diumumkan bahawa ada dua orang pemimpin dari Ketereh yang dilantik sebagai Menteri penuh peringkat kerajaan persekutuan, aku secara peribadi sangat seronok.

Keseronokan ini hadir dengan harapan agar Pekan Ketereh mampu menjadi kawasan Perbandaran Islam yang sebenarnya, pembangunan ekonomi lebih pesat dan menjadi tumpuan para pelabur kerana kawasan Ketereh sangat berpotensi menjadi hub baru ekonomi negeri Kelantan.


While the current political situation is still uncertain, the wind is blowing fast that the government is advised to dissolve the Dewan Rakyat so that the people can determine who is really qualified to govern this country.

The question now arises, who will fill the Ketereh Parliamentary candidate seat ?. Currently, there are 2 full ministers of the federal government representing two parties in the same division, namely YB TS Datuk Seri Panglima Haji Annuar bin Haji Musa representing the UMNO Party and another YB Senator Dr Mohd Radzi bin Md Jidin representing the United Party of Malaysia.

Both of them are party leaders in the Ketereh division, Malaysians are aware that Bersatu has now become part of the Consensus or National Alliance component apart from the BN & PAS party.

Who will remain & who will change direction ?, or are there other candidates waiting to contest for the Ketereh Parliamentary seat in the 15th GE later ?. A riddle like this can be somewhat answered but can change at the last minute.

Honestly, the reputation of YB TS Datuk Seri Haji Annuar Musa in Ketereh land is undeniable because the evidence has been made available with the establishment of Matriculation, Polytechnic, Community College and many more.

Is YB TS Datuk Seri permanent or trying to change the wind in a new place ?, sowing devotion in other areas that really need the presence of leaders like YB TS Datuk Seri Annuar Musa.

KPI as the current Minister of Federal Territories who is very excellent in the eyes of the people, it is likely that YB TS Datuk Seri will continue that excellence as a Member of Parliament for the area. I just dig in personally based on my own observations.

Are the people of Ketereh willing to let go of their beloved leader ?. Maybe YB Senator Dr Mohd Radzi Jidin is able to continue his excellence as shown by YB TS Datuk Seri Pangliman Annuar Musa ?.

I raise this polemic is because the wind is getting stronger, the 15th GE is most likely to happen in the near future, but the people who know best when the GE must be TSMY as the Prime Minister of Malaysia.

It does not feel wrong for the people at the lower level to try to play the puzzle of who will be the candidate for the next GE for the Parliamentary seat because YB TS Datuk Seri Panglima had met with YB Senator DR Mohd Radzi Jidin in the last GE.

Therefore, when it was announced that there were two leaders from Ketereh who were appointed as full Ministers at the federal government level, I personally was very happy.

This excitement comes with the hope that Pekan Ketereh can be a real Islamic Municipal area, more rapid economic development and become the focus of investors because the Ketereh area has great potential to become the new economic hub of Kelantan.


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