Deputy Director

After almost 5 years worked in the hometown. Alhamdulillah, my brother got a promotion and had to move from the state office to the Headquarters in Putrajaya. Something that will definitely happen for a civil servant even if it is a pity to leave this land of Kelantan.

So it's up to me to take care of my mother who is getting older. In sha Allah this year the mother is 69 years old, although she is often tested with illness, but Allah SWT always makes it easier for the mother to perform ibadah.

When is my turn to return to work outside Kelantan ?. Only Allah SWT knows everything, when the world is ruled by rich people, they want to be richer, causing the poor to become poorer. How do you think the end of this old world includes myself ?.

Almost a million unemployed, the number of people who are seeking jobs in Malaysia. Pandemic hit, more and more Malaysians who seem so lost sources of livelihood during this time.

If an SME company is forced to go bankrupt, I still understand their situation. It also involves giant companies with strong financial stability also taking steps to lay off their employees. Is the impact of the pandemic that hit the world so strong ?. If one large company after another had to reduce employees or completely close the company's operations. How is the process of national recovery in the future ?.

Can I compete with those who are young & have a variety of work experience ?. The average employer in my experience, definitely emphasizes things related to a person’s experience in the job offered.

Turning to my brother, maybe with this promotion it will be a reason for Allah SWT to make it easier for his mate. Completing his religion so recommended by the Prophet Muhammad in the marriage.

In sha Allah it will definitely be my turn, the only question is what will come ?. Is it the turn to return to Allah SWT with full of sin in the soul or the turn of a proper job.

I was getting older, my age was getting older, the black on my head was getting whiter, one by one, the sign of the Angel of Death coming to see the future occupants of the grave.

Indeed, the time it will arrive, but what will happen when the time has come to look ?, what is certainly true that all of God's secret wisdom contained in the view of my 1001.

Imagine during these 5 years, various events took place. There are joys and sorrows adorning my life and family. There used to be people I could count on to take care of my mother, now everyone is getting older, already working, already married.

Many family members also died forever, indeed a period of 5 years of various memories or history recorded. Related to family history or the country or the world.

May Allah SWT make everything easier for my brother in Putrajaya later, may Allah SWT protect him at all times, be aware that he is in an area where everything is available at one time, that is, some are halal and some are haram. The suspicion or temptation is very strong, based on my experience in Putrajaya.


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