Character of a reporter

I am a graduate in Media Studies, University of Malaya. Of course when people listen to Media Studies, surely the first impression playing in the mind is the career of a journalist. However, I am not very interested in career as a journalist due to my weakness in the field of writing. 

I have to admit that many of the alumni of the Department of Media Studies, work as journalists. Some of them now held the position as editor of the newspaper or magazine.

Although I am not interested in the career of a journalist but like to see the character or ethics held by a journalist. Since childhood, through drama or Malay film tells the story of a journalist, especially in the era of British colonial rule in Malaya. It makes me respect the career of a journalist. 

The image of a journalist is often portrayed as a writer who constantly smokes while writing in order to find inspiration to report on news or something that uses language that is easily understood by the reader.

Journalism is a very exciting career. However, there is something that prevents me from becoming a journalist which is my weakness in writing. I don't know where the mistake is that makes me very weak in arranging the alphabets that can attract the interest of anyone reading my writing, including writing on this blog.

Grammatical or spelling mistakes were made repeatedly in writing, so that to a certain extent my teacher did not understand what I actually wanted to write. My weaknesses in writing carried over to the University, I was lucky to have a lecturer who didn’t overly punish me for my weaknesses in writing.

Because of that, I dream more of being an organization’s Public Relations Officer because to me, it’s a job that is more towards speaking than being writing. Probably because of that, I still wear the title of unemployed at the age of approaching 40.

To me, for those interested in joining the world of journalism. One must be creative in writing and a person who is very mentally strong, especially when criticized by the editor about his writing material. Starting from the era before until after independence, those involved with journalism has played a very important role in providing important information to the people of Malaya then.

At one point, my father was very interested in the writing of a newspaper guest writer whose writing revolved around politics and religion. The writer only writes once a week, so every week my dad would buy a newspaper just to read the scraps or writings of the writer involved.

Even though I'm not a journalist. It may be too late to try to be a journalist. Being involved in writing on the blog is my opportunity to refine my writing so that it is better than usual. If anyone reads my writing on this blog, it is something that is personally blissful.

If a writing is good, there's not even recognize his authorship but knowing how people wondering who wrote it. That's the most important thing. A good journalist will continue to learn to improve writing because the world today is a borderless world. Necessarily very different way or language.


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