Mental Health
The global issue that is still being discussed at the moment must be about the Pandemic problem even though the vaccine has been successfully produced and many people in the world have been vaccinated. The most important priority at this time, including in Malaysia, in my observation is the effect left by the pandemic.
In 2021, Malaysia has implemented MCO 2.0 as a measure to end the spread of pandemics which is at a critical stage at a time, when the number of positive Malaysians infected at one time reached 5 thousand people. The implementation of MCO 2.0 must have various effects on the country and the people. it also affects the mental health of Malaysians directly or indirectly.
I am trying to examine the true definition of what is meant by the term mental health. Mental health can be understood as a person's psychological state that is when the emotional response corresponds to the behavior shown. In my opinion, a person's mental health level will be categorized as good when able to control emotions while in various situations, especially the normal stress of daily life that is expected or out of control.
Imagine if during this time, before the pandemic spread at the end of 2019, you have a permanent job with a high monthly income, then the government has to implement MCO 1.0 so that all economic activities must be closed within a certain period, this causes many companies or organizations to closing operations or reducing staff for cost purposes, you are now one of those who should be laid off and become unemployed at the age of approaching retirement age. Does it not affect your emotions ?.
Based on information shared by the Health Portal, among the signs a person may be affected by his mental health is the onset of health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, easy headaches and sudden muscle cramps. Then a person with mental health problems will start to change in terms of behavior, especially more aggressive, easily angered, difficult to make decisions and solve problems. The signs become clearer when a different situation occurs than before, namely hot temper, difficulty sleeping, loss of appetite, weight gain, loss of spirit, easy to tremble and sudden palpitations.
How can a person have a mental health problem if he does not seek treatment immediately ?. Based on health information, a person who does not seek help immediately, is more likely to get mental illness or insanity. The fact is that the current situation, with the loss of employment, the rising cost of necessities can give a strong life pressure as well as able to trigger mental illness. It should be noted that there is no specific treatment for mental health problems, only someone who feels it should immediately seek support before it is too late.
Several local news portal sites have reported incidents that occurred due to mental health problems experienced such as portals hmetro, bharian, utusanborneo,kicauanrakyat and SH.
Probably due to concerns over the mental health status of Malaysians, the government is seen to be open by giving flexibility in economic activities. Only at this time, cross-district and state activities have not yet been given permission. Because it is one of the main contributors to the recent increase in the number of pandemic cases.
Therefore, for them or partner or acquaintance or family member suffering from mental health problems, immediately seek the advice of a specialist should be, do not delay for fear too late.
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