To me, when mentioning the word LEADER. It refers to the noun of a person who has the nature and attitude of a CHIEF. In same time, it requires skills in politics which vary according to the situation. Each of us is a leader, just different levels of achievement as a leader. Starting from leading ourselves as human beings, then lead the family. Next lead the organization or up to the level of leading the country.
The word LEADER or POLITICS, is a word that may be sensitive to certain parties in the country. Understand that until now, the country's political issues are still a major issue even though the country is still plagued by pandemic health problems. Weird but it's reality and the nature of human behavior called LEADER.
The fact throughout the Pandemic hit the country from the end of 2019 until now. In my opinion, many of which failed to be a leader. Whether leaders to yourself or your family. The proof, cases of attempted suicide is increasing as is the case of household crime. This failure does not refer to all but it is enough to give a picture of the situation of the people at this time.
What is the cause of this failure ?. What is the reason why more and more people are choosing suicide or losing self -control to the point of hitting family members ?. Why is there a lack of morality in society ?. But logically it refers to the question, who is responsible for making a public policy ?. 2 years is not a short period. Many were affected by the policies implemented.
Is it difficult to be a leader ?. Excellent leaders, need the nature of prioritizing those they lead. To me, everyone is capable of being the best family leader. Although there are many cases involving marital problems. Only when one begins to be a leader outside of their own home. Things may change. Every one of them who succeeds in becoming a leader, definitely has power. So then, temptations and challenges are available to them.
Failed to be a family leader. The effect is not as severe as failing to be the leader of an organization or country. Most interesting is whoever is a leader and has power. Definitely will not live hard even if the people led live in poverty. Throughout my life, it has been very difficult to see leaders living destitute. It can be said that everyone lives in pleasure.
I was very saddened to meet a group that was so obsessed with their leaders. Everything the leaders say they believe without checking the facts for every word. Anyone can be a leader because there is no need to study until University. Just learning about politics is definitely not the syllabus of the University.
I’m actually trying to share my views on LEADERS. I think it can be said that all LEADERS in this world behave almost the same. The speech that is often given is that they put the interests of the PEOPLE first. But looking at the actions of the LEADER, it is very different from the speech. So not surprisingly, the people of the world are witnessing a situation where PEOPLE live in SUFFERING but leaders live in LUXURY. The leader of the organization or country, how to take care of almost the same. Leaders enjoy a thousand privileges, while subordinates or people otherwise. Though most intense work or working are subordinates or citizens.
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