Silent Infected

 I’m pretty sure, the whole population of the world knows about the existence of Covid-19, how many people have died because of the pandemic. Malaysia is one of the countries affected by the pandemic, even me and my mother were infected with the pandemic at the end of October 2021 while my brother was infected in May 2021.

Entering the 3-4 year the pandemic is all around us, causing many countries to start declaring that the pandemic status is now turning endemic. People are beginning to understand and know how to treat in case of being infected by the pandemic. Although vaccine injections have been given, it is even further augmented by booster injections. Infections persist and are treated like a common fever that has infected humans before.

Is the threat of Covid-19 really over ?, humans no longer need to worry if infected ?. Malaysia itself will open the border gates on April 1, 2022. Perhaps the government has looked into all the possibilities or drawn up the appropriate plan. As for the SOP, I see it is being relaxed, even if the infected can still do certain activities, including voting in the State Election in Johor.

Probably because of that, some became infected but did not report to the authorities, only quarantine at home while taking medicine purchased at the Pharmacy. If you have symptoms of fever, then get paracetamol, if you have symptoms of cough, get cough medicine and sore throat. Similarly if the flu, take only the medicine that can be found in the pharmacy. After 5-7 days of self-quarantine, then go out and carry out activities as usual.

This condition may result in less accurate data related to the number of infections. Those who have been treated in hospitals or quarantine centers like mom and me, are sure to share our experiences with our neighbors or acquaintances. This, in turn, is likely to cause our neighbors or neighbors to decide to do their own quarantine when infected based on the results of using a covid-19 screening kit, without having to report the situation to the authorities.

Based on announcement after announcement stated by the Minister of Health Malaysia regarding the SOP of infection or quarantine. So it is not strange, if the people take steps not to report, it is enough to just do self-quarantine until they recover from the infection unless they have respiratory problems as experienced by my cousin who is still in the recovery phase after his lungs are almost completely damaged.

Because Malaysia will enter an endemic phase, it is not surprising if people start not wearing facemasks when in open areas or use sanitizer to wash their hands after doing any activity. The only risk is, we will live together even if some are infected, even we will never know how we are infected because not everyone is compliant with the recommendation to do self -quarantine if infected. So be content with what will happen in society in the future.


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