The 10th day of 2023

 The year 2023 has entered its 10th day, and many things are happening, especially in the country. in terms of politics or society.

The most interesting thing about politics is the turmoil that happened in the state of Sabah. as if the situation of the previous year had happened again. There is no need to find out who caused it because it is so obvious.

The world seems to be facing a pandemic again. Of course, it is very worrying for all of us because the previous effects are still felt. What if it happens again? The government started again to hold an additional vaccination campaign for the people. Until when must the situation be faced?

From an economic point of view, it is said that the value of OPR will increase again. It must have a direct impact on people, especially those in the B40 group and below. I am trying to see and understand the government's further actions in helping the people face the economic recession that is predicted to happen in 2023.

Although 2023 is only entering its 10th day, it may be too early to make any predictions about what will happen. In my opinion, what happened in the last ten days is quite concerning.

I hope that the challenges that will happen in 2023 can be faced by all of us, especially those in the low-income group, or B40.


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