Comply SOP Pandemic

 The year 2021 is now entering June, which means almost half a year of time has passed. The main issue that has been debated or discussed is still related to the pandemic problem which has not been seen to end in the near future. Even Malaysia is facing the 3rd wave of contagion which has seen the number of casualties increase.

In Kelantan, currently shows an increase in the number of people infected at a very alarming level. It caused the number of quarantine centers to be increased to accommodate the number of positive patients who reached a value of 3 digits per day. Why is this situation happening in Kelantan ?. In my personal opinion, the main factor driving the increase in the number of Kelantanese who are positively infected is the failure to comply with the directives or SOPs set by the National Security Council.

Failure to comply with SOPs, I have shared on previous writing. This situation clearly displays the stubbornness of a handful of locals to the point of causing infection within a large radius. When the authorities try to take action on such stubbornness. The authorities are to blame. When there is a death due to the Pandemic, it is only then that there is a sense of regret for the stubbornness displayed.

Stubbornness in complying with the SOPs set not only causes hardship to oneself but also involves others. In Malaysia, for each group of infections that occur is called a Cluster. Many clusters occur due to the stubbornness and ignorance of some Kelantan residents. It includes those who are outside Kelantan and returned to the village even banned by the authorities. In the end, not only did they return to visit their parents but also brought with them the pandemic virus.

Failure to comply with the SOP can be said to involve all ages. While the most obvious stubbornness to comply is necessarily the elderly who feel this pandemic is not so serious. While the implementation of the Movement Control Order is in full swing, there are still groups of senior citizens who eat and drink in public areas despite knowing it is prohibited by the authorities. As the ban on prayer in the mosque or surau. There are still those who do not comply with the ban, when action is taken against them, the authorities are accused of tyranny.

Malaysia once recorded the number of cases at a single digit value in 2020. At that time, we felt that this pandemic would end because almost all states have GREEN status which means there are no cases of infection, including Kelantan. The secret of that success, in my opinion is because of the very high rate of SOP compliance among Malaysians, including rural areas. So it is not impossible for us to repeat the success of the country in achieving a single digit value of the number of cases. We must comply with the SOPs throughout the term of the Movement Control Order 3.0.


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