Home School
We all know that since the world was hit by a pandemic at the end of 2019. Many things have undergone drastic changes, including the education system, Malaysia as a country affected by the pandemic has also undergone changes in the national education system.
Typically, the education system is implemented face -to -face in the school classroom. Now everything is changing when learning sessions are now done online. Is Malaysia really fully prepared to implement such a system ?.
When the school session system starts to change, it has an impact on the parents of the students. Especially in terms of providing facilities for students to attend online school sessions. Every student should have access to the Internet and devices for the following classes is online.
I’m not sure if the government is aware or not that not all families are able to provide the internet facilities and devices that their children need. Especially for families in the poor category, the daily income is not more than RM50 a day only.
The cost of providing internet facilities and devices in Malaysia is still considered expensive, moreover not all areas receive strong internet coverage for students to use during learning sessions from home.
While the price for the device is equivalent to the value of a month of necessities for some families. In fact, many low-income Malaysians can only afford to provide one device for their children who attend school online at the same time. Of course, this situation is capable of causing these students to fall behind in their studies.
Honestly, I have not seen any serious effort from those responsible in helping students and families who are less able to provide the basics for schooling from home.
What is the fate of these students in the future ?. During these 2 years, 2020 - 2021, there are too many issues and debates discussed by the people when it comes to the current education system.
I'm not sure how the home schooling system works in other countries. I’m just speaking from experience and observations around because of the location where I live, almost 80% of the population is those in the middle and below income category.
The situation was overlooked by policy makers definitely exist and I hope Malaysians in the low income category do not receive the impression that should not be a problem when the pandemic is still pending.
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