SPM in Pandemic

 The results of the SPM examination for 2020 will be announced today. Most interesting in my opinion is that SPM candidates in 2020 can check their results online. It is very different than before due to the pandemic virus that hit the world so that all existing education systems must be changed almost completely.

In Malaysia, the main examination for students at the secondary school level is the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM). In addition to the Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) for students in form 3.The SPM examination can be considered as a ticket for students to determine their future direction. 

Students who get excellent results for example straight A for all subjects taken. Can apply for scholarships to further their studies abroad. Apart from that, SPM examination graduates have many options to continue their studies in the country such as Matriculation, Polytechnic, skills institute or apply for a job.

Only the SPM examination this time attracted attention because the candidates faced many challenges and difficulties before sitting for the examination. 

Challenges in terms of learning and teaching sessions that have to be done online. While the syllabus for the examination subjects may be left behind during the online teaching.

I also have a relative who sat for the SPM examination for the year 2020. Alhamdulillah, the results obtained are quite good. 

I understood she wanted to apply for a job as a policeman because of his deep interest in a career as a policeman. Me and the other relatives just support whatever choice this closest relative is going to make. Only she knows what is best for her.

His brother sat for the examination last year and is now studying furniture making skills in Higher Vocational Institute of Youth (IKTBN) in Bachok, Kelantan.

Candidates for the SPM 2021 Examination will be the 2nd batch to sit for the SPM examination in the new normal, when the pandemic is still plaguing the country. 

The most important thing is that the government, as a policy maker, is expected to think of all methods or make policies that make it easier for students to prepare for exams later.


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