Government aid
Finally, the help from the government that has been expected for so long has arrived. After a month of total lockdown implementation throughout Malaysia, various unfortunate cases have arisen. There was some good news received when the government announced the provision of 'PEMULIH' assistance. Covers groups T20, M40 and B40.
The PEMULIH assistance package also involves enormous financial value. It is hoped that with the assistance announced by the government, the burden of the people will be eased in overcoming the total lockdown period which is still long based on the number of cases reported every day. Traders and buyers receive balanced assistance. Therefore, I believe it will stimulate the country's recovery plan from an economic standpoint.
Some may ask, from what sources is the government used to spend big on the PEMULIH assistance package. But I believe, the people at this time do not think too much about it, most importantly the value of assistance that will be received for survival after losing a job or failing in business.
I just stick to the principle, if the government can afford to pay the salaries and allowances of the Federal Ministers. Therefore, the government is able to provide special financial assistance to the people who are very affected by the situation that is plaguing the country at this time.
I also have the opportunity to receive help in the group of low -income singles. Although the value is not so great compared to those who have a family of children and wives. I remain grateful and thankful to the government even had to wait a month after total lockdown held.
Hopefully, Malaysia will recover from the angle and the people will return to their daily activities as usual when the Pandemic has not hit.
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