
Showing posts from April, 2022

Iftar Endemik

  Ramadhan telah memasuki hari ke-19/20, in sha Allah tinggal 10 hari lagi untuk umat Islam menjalani ibadah berpuasa dan aktiviti ibadah lain yang biasa dilakukan sepanjang bulan Ramadhan. Selain itu, sepanjang bulan Ramadhan, kebanyakan Umat Islam di Malaysia suka untuk berbuka puasa di kawasan terbuka atau di premis-premis perniagaan yang menawarkan pelbagai pakej berbuka untuk pelanggan. Aku faham aktiviti berbuka puasa ini telah lama dilakukan sebelum pandemik melanda dunia. Cuma adakah itu bermakna kita harus melupakan pengalaman yang kita lalui sepanjang 2 tahun yang lalu?. Di Kelantan, lokasi yang menjadi tumpuan orang-ramai untuk berbuka puasa bersama keluarga ialah Lembah Sireh berdekatan dengan pasaraya lotus. Selain itu, premis-premis yang menawarkan pakej berbuka puasa seperti restoran atau hotel tetap menerima tempahan berbuka puasa seperti sebelum pandemik. Walaupun status kesihatan negara ketika ini berstatus endemik, itu bukan bermakna kita boleh beranggapan tiada ...

Political Debates

  It seems that something interesting will happen in May of 2022. It is a debate program involving 2 well -known political figures in the country.. Dato Seri Mohd Najib Tun Abdul Razak and Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim .  The debate will be held on 12 May 2022, the venue of the debate is at the University of Malaya. To me, the chosen location is very iconic for this premiere debate program. What caught my attention was that both of these political figures were former Malaysian Finance Ministers. Therefore, based on their experience, of course people would like to see their respective thoughts in discussing the issue of recovery of national GLC companies. We are aware that at the moment, based on the current situation involves domestic and foreign. We are all very affected especially financially. Not only involves individuals but also large companies such as national GLCs.  I sincerely hope that through this debate program, we will obtain the desired results, especially identify...

Gastric & Ramadhan

Every Ramadhan, there are bound to be some things that rarely happen but are happening more and more often. It is when some Muslims like to give reasons why they do not fast in the month of Ramadan or have to skip fasting.  The most popular reason used is gastric pain. Willing to see a doctor for confirmation that can't fast in Ramadhan. I am a gastric patient but so far, I have never used that excuse to not fast during the day. In my opinion, if you know how to manage your diet, especially during Suhoor , In Sha Allah we will be able to survive throughout the fasting period. There are still many Muslims who skip fasting, there is no gastric disease but still do not want to fast. The saddest thing is that they don't fast all day and only drink water, to me, wouldn't it be better if they just fasted? But when there is a friend of mine who skips fasting and eats breakfast in the morning. I'm curious, where are the shops that sell food in the morning in Ramadhan?. Is it b...

Berisiko Dijangkiti

  Ramadhan telah memasuki hari ke-12/13, sepanjang tempoh tersebut. Pelbagai aktiviti yang biasa dijalankan oleh Umat Islam kembali berjalan seperti biasa seperti solat sunat terawih di masjid atau ke bazar ramadhan untuk mencari juadah berbuka. Setelah 2 tahun segalanya ditunda, kini apabila mendapat kebenaran, semestinya orang-ramai berasa sangat gembira. Bahkan solat di masjid kini tidak perlu menjaga jarak lagi. Namun benarkah kita benar-benar selamat? atau adakah benar bahawa tiada apa yang perlu dibimbangkan terhadap pandemik tersebut?. Sejujurnya masih wujud segelintir manusia yang beranggapan bahawa pandemik ini, tiada apa yang perlu dibimbangkan. Ia kini boleh dianggap seperti demam selesema biasa sahaja. Aku pernah dijangkiti dan tahu sakitnya apabila dijangkiti, bahkan sepupu-sepupu aku hampir sahaja meninggal dunia disebabkan jangkitan COVID19. Aku percaya ada kewajaran mengapa status kesihatan Malaysia kini telah bertukar kepada status endemik. Namun pihak KKM tetap be...

Ramadhan ke-5

 Orang kata semakin kita menghampiri kiamat, semakin kita merasakan begitu cepat masa berpusing. Rasanya seperti baru kelmarin kita memasuki bulan Ramadhan, rupanya Ramadhan kini telah memasuki hari ke-5.  Aku melihat suasana di baazar ramadhan yang sesak pada Ramadhan pertama dan kedua, kini semakin lenggang. Itu bermakna warga perantau yang pulang untuk menyambut Ramadhan pertama bersama keluarga telah kembali merantau. Pelbagai jenis lauk yang sebelum ini, habis licin dijual mula berbaki terutama bila waktu menunjukan pukul 5 petang. Malah ada peniaga yang mula menutup gerai jualan mereka, mungkin hasil jualan yang sedikit, sehingga tidak mampu menampung modal berniaga. Aku faham kos barang keperluan semakin meningkat, menyebabkan harga makanan yang siap masak turut meningkat harganya. Sewa tapak baazar ramadhan pula agak mahal pada pendapat aku, ratusan ringgit. Hasil jualan semakin sedikit, kos terus meningkat maka pilihan yang ada tutup tapak. Bila ada tapak kosong, peni...

Border opened

 We as human beings, have many necessities of life besides food. All such necessities have a price and man must pay for them with money. While money is only obtained from a job that people do. While the types of work done are various and not only in the country, there are even overseas. When the world was hit by a pandemic that caused many lives to be lost. Most countries have decided to close the border gates, including Malaysia. This has caused many Malaysians who work outside of Malaysia such as Singapore to be unable to return for almost 2 years. A long period of time if having a family, however it is forced to stop the infection. Starting April 1, 2022, the Malaysian border gates have been opened for any activities.  Maybe the border opened in conjunction with Malaysia's health status has changed from pandemic to endemic on the same date, Just my personal opinion.   Of course, every action taken by the government receives various responses from Malaysians, both from ...

1 Ramadhan 2022

  Syukur alhamdulillah kerana masih diberi kesempatan oleh Allah SWT untuk berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan pada kali ini. Setelah 2 tahun, Ramadhan di sambut dengan penuh kekangan, kali ini seluruh umat Islam dapat melakukan aktiviti yang biasa dilakukan sepanjang bulan Ramadhan. Paling menarik ialah warga perantauan, Ramadhan kali ini, mereka boleh bersahur dan berbuka bersama keluarga di kampung.Tempoh 2 tahun bukan satu tempoh yang singkat, semua disebabkan pandemik yang melanda. Tahun ini, atuk dan nenek pasti gembira sebab anak-anak dan cucu balik untuk berpuasa bersama-sama. Bagi keluarga kecil aku, alhamdulillah abang balik untuk bersahur dan berbuka pada 1 Ramadhan bersama-sama ma dan aku. Sesungguhnya kita tidak tahu apa yang bakal berlaku pada hari esok maka hargainya masa yang ada pada hari ini. Walaupun hanya untuk sehari, ia cukup mengembirakan ma, anak-anak ada didepan matanya. Bila kita bercakap tentang Ramadhan, pasti kita akan berbicara sama tentang baazar ramadhan. Alh...

Pegawai Singkat Harian (PSH)

In the government sector, there is a contract employee position. The position was created to ease the workload of civil servants as well as temporarily fill vacancies before the recruitment process is done by the Public Service Commission. I used to be a contract employee for 4 years, starting from 2012 to 2015.  I had to be laid off because the Ministry or Department had exhausted the financial allocation to pay the salaries of contract status employees.  Until now there are still many employees work with the status of contract workers. Work as a contract staff has many disadvantages compared to permanent staff. Although the performance shown is much better than the permanent staff.  When I was a contract staff member, I was only eligible to receive overtime pay of RM200 for a period of one month.  Although the value of the overtime work done is equivalent to RM2000.  I have been insulted by high -ranking staff. He insisted to me not to forget that I was only a...