Gastric & Ramadhan

Every Ramadhan, there are bound to be some things that rarely happen but are happening more and more often. It is when some Muslims like to give reasons why they do not fast in the month of Ramadan or have to skip fasting. 

The most popular reason used is gastric pain. Willing to see a doctor for confirmation that can't fast in Ramadhan.

I am a gastric patient but so far, I have never used that excuse to not fast during the day. In my opinion, if you know how to manage your diet, especially during Suhoor, In Sha Allah we will be able to survive throughout the fasting period.

There are still many Muslims who skip fasting, there is no gastric disease but still do not want to fast. The saddest thing is that they don't fast all day and only drink water, to me, wouldn't it be better if they just fasted?

But when there is a friend of mine who skips fasting and eats breakfast in the morning. I'm curious, where are the shops that sell food in the morning in Ramadhan?. Is it because they want to make a business profit to support those who don't want to fast.

For this Ramadhan, I've had a gastric attack only once so far, and that was when I was about to break my fast. Only those who suffer from gastritis understand my condition at that time, sweating, gasping for breath.

Only when I had a gastric attack, the day before my house had a water supply interruption. It makes it difficult for me in terms of preparation for breaking the fast and making Suhoor.

It is hoped that in the remaining days of Ramadhan, I will be able to fast as best as possible. Understand that we do not know if we still have a chance to be in the month of Ramadan next year or not.


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