My Dad
My father died on July 27, 2007, when I was in Penang. I am still undergoing on -the -job training under the GREEN Program and stationed at the Malaysia Airports Training Center (MATC) Penang branch. Dad's death was unexpected despite knowing that his father's condition was getting critical due to his kidney failure.
Dad was a military retiree, retiring early on family factors. Served in the Corps of Engineers. My father in his youth had served in several states including Sarawak where he had been involved in an accident that nearly claimed his life.
As a soldier, a father is a very assertive person especially when it comes to time. makes me very much in tune with his temperament when it involves the same thing. A good attitude for me in the future.
Although my mother and father were government employees, the value of their salary or pension when I was a child was very low compared to now. However, my father and mother never failed to meet the needs or wants of their children. I still remember when my mother got paid, we would definitely eat at a fast food shop. Very great favor to me at the time.
My father is a critically ill diabetic. His legs have been several times in a state where it is recommended to be amputated to prevent the infection from becoming more severe. But my mother still insisted on treating my father in the traditional way. The disease may be the main cause of kidney failure.
This is because, my father always tried whatever herbal medicine was said to be effective in curing diabetes. The effect of taking the herbal medicine is indeed expected by health experts based on the advice given to my mother.
According to study data, a diabetic will be a sensitive person and easily irritable. Maybe that's why my father is very angry if something goes wrong. Often my brother and I rebelled in silence because of his overly violent attitude.
Although we are a family in the middle income group. Alhamdulillah, my mother and father were given permission by Allah SWT to perform the Hajj in 2000, at that time I was sitting for the SPM examination.
With the permission of Allah SWT, my mother and father were given the opportunity to attend my & my brother's Convocation Ceremony at the same University just a different year. Brother convocation in 2003 while I convocation in 2006.
My brother managed to hold the position of government official a few years after graduating, only I still failed to get a job that is suitable for the degree I have until now.
I remember the last time I talked to my father before he left us forever, on July 25, 2007, on Tuesday. Asked about my situation in Penang for a month.
My cell phone rang, my father's name was on the phone. In order to call his children, the father is willing to buy a new mobile phone to find out the condition of the children who are far away from him. Even though my father is a bit shy to spend on something that does not provide mutual benefits.
Dad's tone of voice at that time was very cheerful, making me not suspect anything. Apparently at that time, the father was in a state of declining health. Despite feeling weak. Dad still braced himself to talk to me on the phone. My mother just kept quiet because she didn't want me to know my father's health condition at that time.
On July 27, 2007, which was Thursday, I had just arrived at the living room after going out to eat with the MATC staff. The clock showed almost 1am, I looked at the phone, dozens of unanswered calls from home numbers. That's when I left my cell phone in the room.
I tried to call back, I heard my mother's voice sobbing on the phone. I became restless, as if something had happened. Mom informed that dad had just left us forever.
I was startled, silent, my heart was so sad mixed with melancholy. Dad's voice that was so cheerful I heard before, apparently the last voice I heard.
How do I want to go back to Kelantan tonight ?, there was not a single penny in my savings at that time. I tried to borrow money from the Coach who was there.
Luckily for me, one of the MATC staff contacted the Manager, explaining the situation I was facing at the time, it just so happened that the manager was in the same village as me. Together with the Manager and a MATC staff, we moved to Kelantan that night.
We arrived at 8 am, I was surprised to see so many relatives as well as acquaintances of dad had been in the front area of the house. Ma always told me that my father during his life was very concerned about family relationships. If I knew that there were relatives who were ill, I would definitely visit them. So no wonder so many came when dad had passed away.
When I was a child until adulthood, my father always tried to meet the needs of his children, especially in the field of education. Dad was also very concerned that his children should be able to read the Quran, I remember that my father was quite angry if his children skipped the Quran.
Dad always made it obligatory for us to eat together after the isyak prayer, it was my habit to recite the meal prayer. Maybe only in that way, a father can sit at the same table with his children.
On the day my father died, my brother arrived a little later from Kuala Lumpur than me. As the eldest child, I delegated to him to complete all matters related to my father's funeral, thank God it was made easier.
Dad’s body was buried in the graveyard near the house, so many people escorted Dad to the grave. Before that, so many also prayed the funeral prayer for my father. As a child, I can only be grateful because Allah SWT makes everything easier.
We made a tahlil for 7 days for the deceased. After that, I had to go back to Kuala Lumpur to complete my training period at MAHB.
As for my mother, I asked for help from my relatives to take care of her, in sha Allah, after my training, I went back to the village.
For you, may Allah SWT place you among the inhabitants of Heaven. In sha Allah we will meet again in the Paradise of Allah SWT later.
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