Entrepreneur failed

When entering the University, there are definitely many things to be learned not only in the lecture hall. The story started when I bought printed to make it easier for me to print assignments. When entering the final year, the assignments that the lecturer gave a lot, at the same time I was in the process of preparing the thesis which is a COMPULSORY assignment for every final year student.

Suddenly I thought of doing a printed business for the male residents of the college, by offering a much cheaper price than a cyber café. With computer and printed capital. I was fortunate, not prosecuted by the hostel supervisor for doing such business. My intention at first was just to learn how to do business and not to make a profit.

Alhamdulillah, the response was very encouraging even though the profit margin was only small. I'm lucky to have a roommate who also helps my business when I'm not in the room when there are students who want to print their assignments. I knew it was inconvenient for the roommate at the time but they were still patient with the behavior of their old roommate which was me.

Then, I started selling top up cell phone credit supplied by my roommate’s girlfriend. He sat in another college. Alhamdulillah, the request for top up is also very good. However, because I failed in terms of capital and profit management, the business I created only lasted for a while. Capital runs out, profits run out, run out for what ?, Am I not a good entrepreneur ?.

My good friend, Tengku, is also a student entrepreneur, only he does not have a special shop to do business. The type of business that Tengku does is to top up mobile phone credit and sell mobile phones at affordable prices. I, as a friend, like the entrepreneurial spirit shown by Tengku. Seeing the entrepreneurial spirit of my friend became the impetus for me to try to be a student entrepreneur as well as I told you

Apart from the story of my business, there is also the story of former University friends who became entrepreneurs, one of the types of business they were involved in at that time was networking or MLM. For example, they promote their product to individual A, if A is interested in joining the business, A must pay a certain amount of value to get the product. Then A promotes his product to B, if B is interested it should be A’s downline at a cost that is not cheap. Many public or private university students are involved in this form of network business or Multi Level Marketing (MLM).

The moral of the story is that business is good, it is a Sunnah requirement in Islam, but we must know the knowledge first. For example my brother's friend, while studying was able to open a food stall in the residential college area. That’s a little bit of my sharing of being an entrepreneur when I was a university student. If there is something good to use as a guide if not then make a boundary so as not to make the same mistake I did then.


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