Organic Drugs

When talking about drug addiction in the country. Based on the current News report, I think that may be due to the high demand from the group of drug addicts. So many dare to distribute drugs in order to meet the demands of drug addicts. 

Although arrest after arrest was made by the authorities against drug traffickers. It doesn't seem to instill any fear in the drug dealers involved.

KETUM leaf, was originally a wild plant and mostly grows in northern Malaysia. It is used as a medicine for traditional treatments which, it is able to restore the energy of individuals who take it. 

KETUM leaves are usually prepared in the form of a drink. KETUM leaves are also said to be beneficial in removing wind and treating back pain.

Probably due to the strong effect on individuals who drink KETUM water. So the pattern of addiction is seen to change as more and more cases are reported about drug addicts now turning KETUM water as a new type of drug to satisfy their addictive cravings. 

Authorities began enforcing a ban on covering, planting, distributing or owning KETUM leaves. Most KETUM water addicts will mix various ingredients in KETUM water for the purpose of increasing the effect on addicts when using it.

KETUM water addiction, not only involves a group of young drug addicts, older drug addicts also switch the type of drug use to KETUM water. Something that was originally produced for health purposes, is now a prohibited item and will be prosecuted if possessed.

Coffee shop chats this afternoon, talking about the effects of KETUM water on its practitioners. It is said that the effect is so strong that if a person takes PARACETAMOL in large quantities, it will not be able to match the effect of KETUM water. 

If you look at the original KETUM water color, in my opinion. It's like the color of tea water. It is possible for drug addicts to hide it from public knowledge.

If true like what was said in the coffee shop. So it is not surprising why more and more people dare to distribute KETUM water illegally in the country. 

I also understand that the dried KETUM leaves are in high demand in neighboring countries, making it one of the main ingredients for drug smuggling at the border.

Despite being told about the effects of KETUM water addiction, there is still demand. Some even deliberately try to drink KETUM water. Ultimately harming oneself in terms of the health of the body. How strong is the effect of KETUM water, some are still in a weak state until now.

Human nature, things that are forbidden, definitely want to be tried, while there are still many other things that can be felt by us as rational human beings. After KETUM water, what kind of drug will exist ?. 

The saddest thing is whatever the type of drug, there must be someone who wants it because of drug addiction. In the end it is not the future itself that is ruined but also involves family members and loved ones.


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