Compound violates SOP

In Malaysia at this time, failure to comply with the SOP required by the government will be compounded up to RM1000. It is always advertised through the mainstream media and social media but there are still many who take the attitude of not complying with the required SOP. So do not blame the government for imposing action on our own stubbornness.

Ketereh is one of the districts located in Kelantan. The population is growing every time based on the demand for property ownership here is always there. Therefore, it is appropriate for the authorities to constantly monitor SOP compliance against the local population. It involves wearing a face mask in public places.

Although Ketereh did not record any positive cases of pandemic yet. It does not mean that the resident can be complacent regulatory compliance. Regulations must still be observed on behalf of the common good

At this point, I see the authorities starting to monitor SOP compliance in the public areas of Ketereh. As I said, even though announcement after announcement was made, there were still many who refused to comply, so they were eventually fined RM1000 just for not wearing a face mask, which is worth no more than RM1 a piece.

Just took out the "National Concern Aid" money from the bank, then stepped out of the bank and got compounded for not wearing a face mask. Feels funny if the situation is really happened.

Here, there are parents who do not really care about children, especially when they are with friends. Most of them are made up of low-income or poor families. Due to this attitude, then parents should blame themselves if the children come home with a compound gift of RM1000.

My own uncle, almost compounded because he forgot to wear a face mask when was in the Ketereh market area, luckily he noticed that there was no face mask on his face. If exposed, it should go to jail because they could not pay, furthermore we are not a wealthy family, the RM1000 is very big for us.

Various countries implement the law for people who refuse to wear masks in public. As for me, even though the fine imposed is very high, it is a lesson that people always remember to wear masks when they are in the focus area.

Pandemic transmission that has claimed millions of lives. It forms several waves of contagion so that the economy of a country can not fully recover when the contagion decreases for a while. Malaysia is facing the final phase of the infection, while some country reported experiencing a new wave of transmission of the pandemic.

If the government does not insist on implementing the compound failure to comply with SOP, I personally fear that will happen again a new wave of contagion. The attitude of some Malaysians who disobey instructions can invite unexpected situations because according to previous cases, only one patient is needed to trigger a new cluster or wave.

It is understood that Malaysia has been getting supplies for the pandemic vaccine, but it is expected until next year. In my opinion, it has not been proven that the vaccine is effective against the virus. To me, prevention is better than cure.


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