Malaysia has to implement the Conditional Movement Control Order for all states in Peninsular Malaysia except Perlis, Pahang and Kelantan. This implementation is intended to break the chain of pandemic transmission, which is seen to be increasingly critical with an increase in the number of positive patients per day reaching a value of 3 figures.

However, something that cannot be avoided is the effect of the implementation of the Conditional Movement Control Order on Malaysians from various backgrounds, especially sources of income.

When many people experience depressing situations such as losing a job, then just want to start earning money through small businesses. The implementation of the Conditional Movement Control Order causes everything to be stunted, of course the business to be started is stuck.

The implementation of the Conditional Movement Control Order also involves school sessions. With that, the Ministry of Education Malaysia has announced again the change of school sessions this year until early next year.

The change also involves a change in the date of the examination in the education system in Malaysia. It's got a different response from the teachers, students and parents.

Because it involves a fairly long period of over a month. The effect is felt to involve private sector workers or workers who earn today. The risk of being dismissed once again inviting the concerns of Malaysians. Not to mention the complaints of the parties related to certain economic sectors of the country.

In my personal opinion, the situation faced by Malaysians at this time, is also experienced by the people of other countries. Maybe even worse. However, the parties are not affected when the command is executed mainly conditional motion control T20 or M40 group, can help the group told B40 that is highly affected group.

I hope that the conditional motion control command set for 4 weeks can be shortened. But it necessarily requires the cooperation of all parties, not just the federal government but also the responsibility of the local people.

I personally hope. Pandemic problems that talked when this will finish before we entered the year 2021. Indeed, this year, full of challenges that are sometimes beyond the control of us as human beings.


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