
Every human being cannot afford to live alone, so human beings definitely want to live in a community or society. Human life definitely starts from the family then continues to evolve based on time and situation. Interaction through communication will ensure that normal human life is on the right track.

The life we have a certain phase, starting from within the womb, then being born then growing up and then coming out of it to build a personality through the surrounding society. It was then that we began to get to know other individuals known as friends. The history of human civilization has proved that not everyone can accept us as friends. Each of us has weaknesses and not all of us are able to accept the weaknesses of others because human nature wants perfection including having a friend.

I am not sure if we are all aware or not, that friends have a stronger influence on someone than their own parents. Therefore, to determine who we are in the future, then determine who will be our friend in the present. A good friend can make us better while a bad friend can make us worse than him. The laws of the world that I learned from then until now.

Currently, I live in a relatively unmanageable society from a personal point of view because too many cases of young people are involved in drug addiction. This is due to almost 100% influence from friends. Try to imagine a former addict who has just been released from the Rehabilitation Center continues to get stuck after returning to the village because his friend is looking for him again and invites him to take drugs again. Situations prove friends determine who we are in the future.

Then I saw those who had been involved in criminal activity and drug addiction, began to change when coming out of this area. It proved true that friends now define who we are in the future. Therefore, if some of us feel lost, then look for other friends who can lead us to a better life.

I'm a type who doesn't have many friends. From childhood to adulthood, the number of friends can be counted on the fingers, probably because I am a selfish person so no one wants to be my close friend. When I entered the University, I started learning about the manners of making friends, there were friends who taught me about bad things, there were friends who taught me good things. So I have to choose wisely which one to choose.

Islam teaches its people various things including the manners of making friends. Islam teaches that a person is able to pull his friend from hell to enter heaven together in the hereafter. So, ask yourself now, who is our friend now ?. Is it a friend who harms us or vice versa ?.

There is a story of a young man who chose the wrong friend. teaching him to enter a nightclub, eventually harming himself so much that he was willing to turn his back on his own family. Becoming a victim of a nightclub social worker, so it takes a long time to be cured of mistakes made due to the influence of friends who teach it all.

Indeed, many out there want to be friends because they want to take advantage of not being friends because of sincerity. I know someone who is being investigated by the MACC. During the investigation process, many friends who had been close to him disappeared when he needed help. The lesson learned is that we will only know who our friends are when we are in trouble.

So do we start to know who our friends really are ?. Maybe people are not sincere friends with us but let us sincerely be friends with others because Allah SWT has blessed us because of that sincerity. The story of a friend, I am very sure will never end because based on my own life journey, sometimes I make mistakes against friends, and vice versa.


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