Primary School

When I was in grade 6, it became an obligation for every student to sit for the main exam called the UPSR exam. I went to Sekolah Rendah Kebangsaan Ketereh from 1990 to 1995. This exam will be a ticket for students to choose the next direction when entering the high school level.

I was in the 3rd grade of the 4 existing classes at that time. the students are divided according to intelligence, the division is determined by the position of the occupied class. A system that I think has been implemented all over the world for so long not just in Malaysia.

At that time, there was a big difference between smart and unskilled students. It includes the way of service from the teachers themselves at that time. It causes students in the 3/4 class who have the passion to learn, to work on their own without the help of a teacher. In contrast to the students in class 1/2 who are always given attention by the school including the teachers.

I personally felt at that time, for us 3rd / 4th grade students, getting the results of passing all the examination subjects was sufficient compared to the first and second class students who were expected to pass excellently. It is because the excellence gained will raise the name of the school.

I remember when we were all 6th grade students sitting for the UPSR test pre-exam. Teachers are seen focusing on trying various methods on students in grades 3 & 4 to ensure that all pass the exam. One of the methods that tried but failed was that the answer chosen by the students was based on the position of the students in the examination line. That student in the first row select A, the next line choose the answer B. Luckily it did not continue, otherwise we fail not because of us but because of a teacher who should not admit it.

In my opinion, smart students do not necessarily succeed in life while stupid students do not necessarily fail in life. Although the education system shows otherwise. Not all political leaders in the country have a high educational background. That is enough to prove the opinion given.

I spent a few months before the exam, taking extra classes outside of school. It is an effort to strengthen the understanding of a single subject involved with the examination. My brother got a rather less excellent result but still managed to succeed in life. The same goes for me, but efforts must be made to determine my own future.

UPSR is just one ticket to move to the next level which is Secondary School. Just different in terms of learning system, there are Religious Secondary Schools, Full Boarding Secondary Schools, Mara Science Junior College or regular Secondary Schools.

However, I managed to get 2A, 1B & 1C results. Alhamdulillah, that's all I can afford, ma & abah did not say anything on the result I got. The years 1990 to 1995, not a short period, may be many memories I have forgotten but the effect of shaping who I am now. Not only because of the students will be remembered but also because of the teacher.

I believe that the system will be changing in the education system, not only refers to the country, even the whole world would be transformed. The Primary School Assessment Exam is not the same as when I was sitting.

If in the past, student achievement assessment was based on 100% examination, now the system has changed to over 50% based on assessment all the time while the rest is only recently evaluated based on examination.

Honestly the students at this time are more fortunate than when I was a student. More facilities are available to students now than ever before. In my old days, teachers were almost all fierce and that scared us as students.

There are things that still exist at this time, namely the group of naughty students and the group of naughty teachers who refer to drinking out during school hours. Perhaps it is difficult to change because it refers to human nature, even if the education system is constantly experiencing transformation towards better.


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